
The Truth Behind the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Every five years, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) releases updated dietary guidelines that are designed to shape the way Americans look at food and nutrition. The purpose of these recommendations is to promote health, prevent chronic disease, and...

Nutrition information and dietary guidelines

The Top Benefits of Ozonated Olive Oil

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Ozonated Olive Oil is a powerful natural remedy for a variety of health concerns, especially those related to skin health. I wanted to share an overview of just exactly what this healing oil is, and how it works. What Is...

A bowl of organic olive oil. It acts as an antioxidant, allowing lactic acid and toxins to be released from the pores of the skin.

What Can Pecans Do for Your Cardiovascular Health?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Eating foods that can help you maintain a healthy heart, lower your cholesterol, and balance your blood pressure is important to preserving a high quality of life. Nutrient-dense nuts like walnuts, chestnuts, and pecans are recognized as an important component...


How Fluoride Damages Pineal Gland Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Fluoride was originally added to the water supply sometime around the end of World War II to improve overall dental health. Unfortunately, no one anticipated the physical health dangers. Now, more and more people recognize the effects, and one of...

A person holding toothpaste. Fluoride harms the pineal gland health.

Chocolate: More Effective Than Fluoride?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Chocolate has gotten a bad wrap when it comes to dental health, and probably for a good reason. Most chocolate sold today is not chocolate at all. The majority is nothing more than sugar, dairy, and a tiny amount of...

A bar of chocolate.

Why You Should Reduce Your Exposure to Fluoride

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Fluoride is commonly added to the water supply, and many have been brainwashed into believing fluoride is necessary for dental health and bone maintenance. However, the exact opposite is true. While evidence exists to show that fluoride may provide some...


The Dangers of Fluoride

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Fluoride is one of the most toxic substances known to man, yet based on its inclusion in virtually every brand of toothpaste, the American Dental Association believes it's okay to use fluoride for preventative dental care. Other products, such as...

Fluoride can be found in toothpaste.

Medical Journal Designates Fluoride as Neurotoxin

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Fluoridation, the process of adding fluoride to public water supplies in an effort to prevent cavities, has courted controversy since its introduction in the US during the 1940s. Now, the prestigious medical journal The Lancet has published a report that...


5 Good Reasons You Should Avoid Fluoridated Water

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Fluoride was originally added to water supplies back around the time of the end of World War II, but this well-intended practice to improve dental health is still around today, and more and more people are recognizing the possible dangers....

A person is filling up their cup with water. Fluoridated water can cause health issues.

Do Probiotics Reduce Cold and Flu Risk?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Your immune system is an intricate, highly-involved structure responsible for defending your body against attack from harmful organisms. A number of components strengthen immune health, including probiotics. Recent research has shown certain strains of beneficial bacteria could be helpful against...

Four jars of fermented food. Probiotics can help fight against cold and flu.

The Perfect World

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Below is an excerpt from a recent interview I did with Curt Butz when he asked me what my perfect world would consist of. This interview has been spreading throughout the internet and I wanted to share it with my...

The Perfect World

Lactobacillus brevis: A Healthy Probiotic Strain

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

By now, many people are familiar with the multitude of benefits that probiotics offer, but are they right for you specifically? Many people are confused when it comes to picking a probiotic, especially when it comes to choosing the right...
