The Weight Loss Benefits of Green Coffee Bean

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Green coffee bean extract, produced from the green beans of the Arabica plant, is a relatively new ingredient to weight loss products that has been getting strong attention; even being featured on the Dr. Oz program. This attention is not...

One of the health benefits of the Green coffee bean is weight loss.

What Does Detox Tea Do? What to Use & Avoid — With Recipes!

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

It’s no secret that black and herbal teas offer many health benefits.[1] Some people consume teas to detox the body. However, many of these so-called detox teas, particularly those with Senna or Cascara, contain ingredients that act as harsh laxatives...

Tea with lemon in a glass cup over a wooden background with of natural ingredients.

Top 13 Nootropic Supplements to Sharpen Mind & Mood

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Top Supplements Which One Is Right For You? If you want a nutritional supplement to enhance your brain function — short-term memory, focus, creativity, mood, or motivation — look for a nootropic. The term nootropic comes from the Greek...

A fruit tree.

Natural Appetite Suppressants: The Best Ways to Eat Less & Lose Weight

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Top Appetite Suppressants Additional Tips If you're looking to lose a few pounds or need a little metabolic boost, you may have considered using appetite suppressants. Appetite suppressants are substances that reduce your food cravings. But do they work?...

Cups of green tea which are natural appetite suppressants!

Natural Fat Burners: Which Ones Actually Work?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Fat Burners Fat-Burning Foods Tips We all want a magic pill that can help us burn fat. Unfortunately, those don't exist. However, natural fat burners — foods and nutritional supplements that have fat-burning properties — can aid a healthy diet...

A woman stretching in running trail. Incorporating a natural fat burner can make your workouts more efficient.

Weight Loss Supplements: Which One Is Right for You?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Top Supplements Vitamins & Minerals Which to Avoid Tips Most people have tried to lose weight at some point in their life, whether it's dropping a few pounds or embarking on a more significant weight loss journey. You may try...

A woman stretching after exercising. Incorporating weight loss supplements with a healthy diet and exercise routine is key to losing weight.

Which Metabolism Boosters Work? The Top 6 Boosters Explained

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Metabolism Boosters Side Effects Tips Metabolism. We've all heard friends and colleagues complain that theirs has ground to a halt or slowly chugs along, preventing them from dropping weight. We’ve also all seen the ads and commercials for metabolism...

A kettle and cup of green tea. Green tea is a natural metabolism booster.

Birch Polypore: A Mushroom for Immunity, Gut Health & More

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

In 1991, scientists discovered a 5,300-year-old mummy named Ӧtzi the Iceman in the Italian Alps. Amazingly, some of Ӧtzi’s possessions were preserved along with him, including a leather pouch with supplies for his mountain journey. What was in the pouch?...

A mushroom growing from a natural vegetation.

My Remarkable Colon Cleanse Experience: a 7 Day Journal

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Wendee Nicole decided to do the Complete Body Cleanse Program™ — a comprehensive program to detoxify and improve health that will take three to four months to complete — and it starts with a 6-day Colon Cleanse. Not everything eaten...

A woman journaling.

Korean Ginseng: 7 Health Benefits From This Powerful Root

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Korean ginseng root (Panax ginseng) — also known as Asian ginseng or Chinese ginseng — is a traditional medicinal herb, used by Asian cultures for more than 2,000 years.[1] "I grew up in a Korean household and my mom's side...

Slices of Korean ginseng.

Gut Health Kit: What If You Could Reset Your Gut in Just 30 Days?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

"I was so bloated that I looked nine months pregnant," explains Andrea D., a school secretary from Madison, Wisconsin. "Anything I ate would come right back up, but I was still gaining unwanted weight." With pain rippling through her body,...

A woman chopping vegetables.

Raw Herbal Extracts: Potent & Pure Herbal Supplements

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

You’ve probably heard people rave about raw food diets and the many benefits they provide. The reason raw food is so healthy is that it contains all of a plant’s natural enzymes and nutrients, unchanged. On the other hand, cooking...

Raw Herbal Extracts: Potent & Pure Herbal Supplements