Zinc & Testosterone: How This Mineral Boosts Libido & More

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Is there a connection between zinc and testosterone? Consider the case of sales manager Tom P. from Milwaukee, WI. As his 50th birthday approached, Tom felt a mixture of pride and concern. He was in the best shape of his...

A man running.

Cordyceps Fungus: Top 7 Benefits of This Miracle Mushroom

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

For centuries, traditional Chinese medicine practitioners used Cordyceps to give men a natural boost of vitality. That's one of the reasons why it's so popular in coffee blends these days. Men are, once again, turning to medicinal mushrooms like Cordyceps...

Several cordycep mushrooms.

Earth Day Year-Round: 6 Top Benefits of Trees

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Trees add so much value to our lives. From giving us oxygen to cooling our cities, the benefits of trees affect many parts of our lives. They’re not only good for the planet, but also for your health! You may...

A woman walking in a park.

Here Are 7 Reasons To Try a Cleanse

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Do you often get tired or feel like you have "brain fog"? Do you have skin blemishes you can’t seem to get rid of? Or maybe you just feel bloated or constipated now and then?When you eat sugar, gluten, meat,...

A woman looking at her skin.

How to Eat a Vegan Diet While Traveling

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

You always want to feel good — especially when you travel. Sometimes it can be difficult to eat a plant-based diet while traveling due to a number of reasons. I'd like to share my tips on how to travel and...

How to Eat a Vegan Diet While Traveling

8 Tips for Creating a Relaxing Home

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

It seems like everyone wants a home that feels like a retreat: an environment that’s soothing, uplifting, and beautiful. Many of us are taking inspiration from the Danish word hygge (pronounced hoo-gah), which is all about creating a cozy home...

A woman sitting cozy reading a book.

Red Clover Benefits for Menopause, Bone Health, & More

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Benefits & Uses Tea Recipe Precautions & Side Effects Finding a three-leaf clover may bring good luck, but taking red clover as a healing herb may bring even better fortune! People have appreciated the therapeutic qualities of the red clover's...

Several red clover flowers. The red clover benefits range from helping menopause to bone health.

Iodine: The Complete Guide to Iodine Health Benefits

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Benefits Daily Intake Precautions Deficiency Sources "I went from an energetic, thin active person to feeling sluggish, gaining weight, and feeling unwell in general," says Diane S, a paraprofessional who works for a school in Ohio. Her elevated thyroid-stimulating hormone...

A woman Jumping with job. Iodine provides many health benefits.

10 Symptoms of Thyroid Conditions Your Doctor May Miss

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The thyroid gland is one of the body’s most important components. The thyroid regulates hormone balance and contributes to weight, mood, and mental stability — and that barely scratches the surface. Because of the thyroid’s influence on so many of...

A doctor's hands examining a woman's front of the neck.

Home Remedies for the Flu

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

As we enter into the cold months, many people will experience the effects of a cold or flu. Sore throats, muscle aches, stuffy noses, coughs, and fevers are just some of the common symptoms. Highly contagious, colds are the name...

Lemon tea is one of the home remedies for the flu.

4 Benefits of Suma Root for Women's Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

When conventional medicine fails, many people often look to traditional healing therapies, such as Ayurveda or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). A variety of herbs and plants are used in traditional medicine modalities, usually in the form of an extract. Suma...


Your Ancestors Didn't Sleep the Way You Do

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Nobody questions the importance of getting enough sleep. At minimum, it's essential for rejuvenating the mind and revitalizing the body. But, what is enough? And what does it look like? Many people find they wake during the night and wonder...
