16 Advantages Of Rebounding For Weight Loss
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
You must make exercise a foundation of your weight loss plan, that's not negotiable. Exercise is important and effective for weight loss because it requires your muscles to burn extra calories for energy. Exercise sets your muscles up to grow...

Health Benefits of Pascalite Clay
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Discovered in the early 1930’s in the remote Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, Pascalite Clay is a calcium bentonite white clay. Chemical analysis of Pascalite Clay confirm it contains: silicon, iron, calcium, magnesium, titanium, sodium, chromium, copper, manganese, barium, cobalt,...

The Dark Relationship Between Alcohol and the Liver
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The liver is one of the most robust and capable organs in the body. It has to be, its function is to process toxins that have entered the body. However, some toxins, like alcohol, can be too much for the...

6 Tips to Maintaining a Healthy Body
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
What's going on with your fitness routine? Where are you at with it? If you're on the up swing- that's awesome, stick with it. If you're not, why not? What happened to hitting the gym this week? Did Monday quickly...

Starting a Weight Loss Program?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Is there a weight loss program suitable for nearly everyone that follows correct, proven strategies and results in permanent success? Yes! and it's called the Eat Healthy Foods and Exercise Regularly plan! No short cuts included! Forget the empty promises...

What Is Organic Soil?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Organic soil has been naturally amended by the decomposition of plants and animals and unfortunately, today, most of the soil in the world has been depleted by agribusiness. Farmers who produce certified organic produce must first develop soil that meets...

Water and Weight Loss
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Water Does a Body Good Did you know over half of your body weight is made up of water? Water plays an enormous role in the human body function. Every enzymatic and chemical reaction in the body occurs with the...

What Are VOC's
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Volatile organic compounds are a topic that everyone needs to learn about, as they are found in a multitude of household products, and are generally harmful to your health. Volatile organic compounds, more commonly known as VOC's, include a variety...

9 Ways to Reduce Symptoms of Pet Allergies
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
It might not surprise you to hear that as many as 70% of all American homes own a pet. Pets bring a lot of joy and are usually considered a true member of the family. Petting a cat or dog...

Ways to Eliminate Body Odor
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Let's take a moment and discuss a concern that affects a lot of people, but is often stigmatized- body odor. Body odor stinks, literally and figuratively. Research has shown that some people with body odor have concerns in their personal...

Exciting New iPhone Device Will Change How You Evaluate Food
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
If you’ve ever been concerned about pesticides or radiation in your food, or even whether the organic food you purchase really is organic, you’re probably going to be very excited by the Lapka Personal Environment Monitor, an iPhone device slated...

Can Flatulence Be Related to Serious Health Concerns?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
People experience varying levels of flatulence for varying reasons. Although most flatulence is a normal part of digestion, sometimes flatulence can indicate the presence of health concerns. Everyone's body is unique and only a visit with your healthcare provider should...