
What Do Vegans Eat?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

We'll sometimes get questions from customers who've grown up eating meat but are now looking for a switch to a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. These questions largely have a main theme, “Exactly what do vegans eat?” Aside from curiosity, they...

Several bowls of fresh fruits, seeds, and seasonings that are vegan-friendly.

10 Facts about Calcium

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Did you know that calcium accounts for around 1.5 to 2 percent of your body weight? This vital mineral is perhaps best known to strengthen bones, teeth, the heart, and slash your risk of developing a number of diseases. On...

10 Facts about Calcium

4 Famous Vegan Celebrities

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Many well-known people have adopted the vegan lifestyle over the past few decades. Undoubtedly, you'd definitely recognize many of them as frequent features in cinema, talk media, and even politics. "Celebrity" is an extremely broad title and famous vegans represents...

Former President Bill Clinton and Ellen Degeneres talk Vegan

The Top 10 Vegan Athletes

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Famous Vegan Athletes 1. Brendan Brazier Professional Ironman triathlete, Brendan Brazier, is one of the top athletes in the world. He has gained notoriety as a best-selling author specializing in performance nutrition and further distinguished himself by winning the Canadian...

brendan brazier

How to Become a Vegetarian

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Becoming a vegetarian is a process you can begin in steps. That may be good news if you're concerned about radical diet changes, which, while many people do, can also be difficult to maintain. It is typically easier to transition...

A meal prep which includes chickpeas, a salad, raw vegetables, and a juice.

What Is the Definition of Vegetarian?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The definition of “vegetarian” is a person who abstains from consuming meat. There are many motivations for this choice. Some persons avoid eating meat due to religious beliefs that maintain the equality of all life. Other vegetarians have no particular...

A spread of nuts, seeds, peppers, and fresh vegetables.

Toxic Metal: The Health Dangers of Tin

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

When most people think about tin, they imagine tin cans, tin foil, and maybe even Rin Tin Tin. Tin is a naturally occurring metal of a familiar silver color. Tin is resistant to corrosion and often used as a coating...

Toxic metals like the tin can negatively affect your health.

The Health Dangers of Beryllium

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The extensive use of toxic metals in industry and consumer products has resulted in a toxic metal proliferation in our daily lives and environment. Metals are not biodegradable and can remain in the environment to produce a variety of negative...

The Health Dangers of Beryllium

The Health Dangers of Cadmium

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Cadmium is a toxic metal that occurs naturally in the environment. Humans are exposed to cadmium mostly through plant-derived food. There is no safe margin of cadmium exposure and the need to lower human exposure is desperate. Cadmium produces a...

The Health Dangers of Cadmium

What Are the Benefits of Milk Thistle Seed?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum) has a history dating back over two thousand years as a favorite among herbalists for its positive effects on the liver and gallbladder. [1] The ancient philosophers Pliny and Galen both praised the herb for...

Milk thistle seed has a positive effect on the liver and gallbladder.

How to Eliminate Tobacco Smoke From Indoor Air

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Even before the Surgeon General's 1964 report, "Smoking and Health," society has been aware of the terrible effects of tobacco smoke on health. Today, you'd have to be living under a rock or purposely obtuse to not know that tobacco...

How to Eliminate Tobacco Smoke From Indoor Air

6 Popular Weight Loss Diets Explained

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Here's a look at some of the most common diets people are using. I am not endorsing any of these but I've received a lot of questions about them and wanted to provide a brief overview. Fundamentally, I usually recommend...

Carbohydrate addict's diet is a popular weight loss diet that includes vegetables and fruits.