
What Is Witch Hazel?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Hamamelis virginiana, better known as witch hazel, is a tall shrub native to the United States and Canada. It has a long history of use by the Native Americans as a traditional phytotherapy for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and other circulatory...

witch hazel branch

What is Azodicarbonamide? 9 Exposing Facts

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The recent revelation that Subway bread contains azodicarbonamide has gotten a lot of attention. And it should, azodicarbonamide is an industrial chemical used to make yoga mats, shoe rubber, and synthetic leather. Although there's no reason for it to be...


The History of Gravel Root

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Gravel root is a powerful therapeutic plant that's popular in traditional medicine. Generally a mauve- or white-colored flowering perennial, gravel root can primarily be found along the East Coast of North America and Canada. Gravel root can sometimes be found...

Gravel root, also known as Joe Pye Weed

7 Common Types of Zinc Explained

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Zinc is an essential mineral that contributes to our total physical and mental well-being. It is a key player in the optimal functioning of the reproductive organs, and an important element involved in basic cellular function. Zinc also strengthens the...

Bags of whole grains which are high in zinc.

Walnuts: The Top Nut With the Most Antioxidants

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Walnuts are perhaps best-known for being the quintessential healthy brain-food. But who knew that walnuts were also winning top prizes for their heart-healthy, free-radical fighting, antioxidant properties as well? Recent scientific evidence shows how the walnut may be one of...

Raw walnuts are loaded with antioxidants.

How to Make Your Own Natural Cleaning Products

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

We know that exposure to toxic chemicals can lead to health concerns. Unfortunately, some toxic chemicals are found where they're least expected — in common, cleaning products. Ammonia can burn and bleach can irritate the skin, eyes and respiratory tract....

Image of a bowl of water, a lemon wedge, and baking soda. Great ingredients to make your own natural cleaning products.

The Health Dangers of Chromium Hexavalent

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you remember, in the movie Erin Brockovich, chromium hexavalent is the dangerous chemical compound that Ms. Brockovich helped to eradicate from Hinkley, California’s water supply. Why did she pursue the fight? Because chromium hexavalent is extremely toxic and dangerous....

Chromic acid (H2CrO4) molecule, chemical structure. Chromic acid is a highly corrosive oxidising agent and contains the highly toxic and carcinogenic hexavalent chromium.

What are the Health Benefits of Rhodiola rosea?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Rhodiola rosea, also known as golden root, grows in the cool, northern climates of Asia and Eastern Europe and even flourishes in many regions of the Arctic. It's included in several traditional healing modalities where it's used as an herbal...

Rhodiola Rosea

How to Make Organic Coconut Milk Kefir

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Kefir is a healthy and delicious cultured milk drink, similar to yogurt, that has been enjoyed for centuries throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and even certain parts of Asia. Much of the Western world is just beginning to...

A fresh coconut kefir drink.

Benefits of Coconut Water

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

In classic Indian culture, the coconut palm is described as "Kalpavriksha," or, "the all giving tree." I agree with the notion, the coconut palm is a fantastic tree with many offerings. Its fruit and coconut water offer many therapeutic benefits...

Vitamins and minerals are one of many benefits of coconut oil.

The 10 Best Stress Relieving Foods

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Feeling stressed? Get some exercise! It's one of nature's most underutilized activities and perhaps one of the most effective and natural stress reducers. Studies consistently indicate that exercise is a helpful tool for alleviating stress and improving overall mood.[1] However,...

A bowl of walnuts, which are natural stress relieving foods.

What Is Bee Propolis? 10 Great Uses

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Most people are familiar with the gorgeous yellow and amber colors typical of honeycomb and beeswax. But another bee-produced substance exists and it doesn't get discussed quite as much – propolis. Propolis is a resinous material that bees use to...

A glass bottle of honey. Bee propolis can help support the immune system.