
The Health Benefits of Glucoamylase

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Glucoamylase (also known as amyloglucosidase or AMG) is an important digestive enzyme that helps us absorb nutrients and create energy from some of the most common plant foods that we eat. It does this by breaking down the starch that...

Glucoamylase may help with digestive organs and the immune system.

The Benefits of Spearmint for Bad Breath

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The other day we fielded a question from a customer who had wondered which herb was the best for promoting fresh breath. The implication was that if, for example, eucalyptus is extremely effective but spearmint is only half as effective,...


The Benefits of Myrrh for Bad Breath

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

A blemish on the tip of your nose, voluminous flatulence, and bad breath. What do they all have in common? They are all concerns that can affect your life- personally, professionally, and romantically. We're not going to cover skin care...

myrrh tree

Are Coffee Grounds Good For Plants?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

You only need to walk past a coffee shop in any American city to see that our country loves Java. With so much coffee being consumed on a daily basis, it's encouraging to learn that there is a productive use...

A bowl full of coffee beans. Coffee grounds can be used as a mulching agent.

Anti-Aspartame Campaign Launched in New Zealand

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Numerous reports, campaigns, and studies have evaluated the health risks of aspartame. You may not even be aware of it, because the campaigns are normally directed at the brand name under which it is sold. Names like Equal and NutraSweet...

Anti-Aspartame Campaign Launched in New Zealand

Reducing Daily Salt Intake Recommended for Improved Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Earlier this year, the American Heart Association (AHA) called for a nationwide reduction in daily salt intake, along with tighter government and industry regulations regarding the levels of standard table salt (Sodium Chloride) found in everyday foods. The AHA’s previous...

Reducing Daily Salt Intake Recommended for Improved Health

The 9 Best Foods for Your Thyroid

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Thyroid concerns affects millions of people around the world, including those in industrialized countries such as the United States. The conditions resulting from thyroid concerns can be extremely serious. As a regulator of hormone production and metabolism, the thyroid needs...

A wooden bowl of organic green leafy vegetables. The thyroid needs very specific foods to maintain proper function.

Hydrangea: A Pretty Flower with a Nutritional Punch

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The hydrangea plant is an herbaceous, perennial shrub recognized by its beautiful white, snowball-shaped blooms. A popular ornamental, botanical, and horticultural plant, there are over twenty varieties of hydrangea worldwide. The most popular variety, Macrophylla, is a bluish-bloomed flowering plant...

Several bunches of hydrangeas.

5 Vegan Calcium Sources

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

People who are beginning to implement more vegan foods into their diet are usually concerned with the nutritional give-and-take that happens when you exclude certain types of food. Specifically, when it comes to cutting out dairy, most people are concerned...

Fig is one of several vegan calcium sources.

4 Superfoods You Need to Try

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Health awareness is increasing and so is the demand for healthy and nutritious food choices. Arguably, many prepackaged and processed food options unnecessarily pollute the can-be-simple process of providing our bodies with nutrition. In response, many people look to whole,...

A plate of chia seeds, which are a natural superfood.

Report: U.S. Companies Have Kept Over 17,000 Toxic Chemicals Secret to Protect Profits

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Recent news from The Washington Post sheds light on a story that reveals yet another shocking example of how we, as a collective, continually sacrifice human health for profit gain. The Post states that 17,000 potentially toxic chemicals have been...

Report: U.S. Companies Have Kept Over 17,000 Toxic Chemicals Secret to Protect Profits

13 Surprising Health Conditions Chiropractic May Help

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Chiropractic care corrects spinal alignment abnormalities as a means of treating a wide range of health concerns. Pain relief, spinal alignment, and other skeletal and muscular disorders are among the most common. But, the list doesn't stop there. Not even...

A woman getting adjusted by a chiropractor.