8 Must-Know Facts About Sauna Bathing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

From Finland, to the United States, to Russia, and Japan, sauna bathing has gained considerable popularity. The heat in a sauna, often around 180-200 degrees Fahrenheit, envelopes the body, causing sweat production to increase. Many sauna bathers will tell you...


8 Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Our lives are so hectic that sometimes we look for anything that can help us cope. A busy, stressful life can not only affect you mentally, it can also begin to reduce your body's defenses against disease and invading organisms....

An older couple walking in nature.

5 Health Benefits of Sauna Use

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you've ever been in a sauna, then you know first hand how rejuvenating and invigorating a good sweat can be. Sweating is a form of detoxification and there may be no better place to stimulate this process than in...

A sauna room. Saunas have many known benefits, from supporting your heart to flushing out fat-soluble chemicals and toxins.

Can You Eliminate Stress with Aromatherapy?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils to improve well being. The oils are often placed in diffusers and allowed to permeate the air. It's a practice that's been used for centuries to address psychological and other issues. Ancient...

A bottle of essential oil. Aromatherapy can help relieve stress.

6 Amazing Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dry skin brushing is a beauty and health practice that is quickly growing in popularity. The Internet abounds with blogs, articles, and videos dedicated to this topic, and each point of reference regards it as a simple way to support...

Woman using a dry brush on legs.

What Is Meditation?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Many people imagine meditation as a deep and complicated spiritual practice involving incomprehensible mantras and unobtainable seating postures. The reality is that anyone can practice meditation, nearly immediately, and it can be done in a variety of ways. Simply put,...

A meditating man sitting in an open green space with eyes closed.

8 Ways Chiropractic Benefits Sports Performance

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

During its 100-year history in America, chiropractic has gained steady acceptance for easing a wide array of physical ailments. The American Chiropractic Association describes chiropractic as a form of health care that focuses on musculoskeletal and nervous systems disorders and...

Chiropractic in Sports

3 Types of Exercise That Are Great for Lower Back Pain

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There's no question that exercise is one of the best ways to strengthen your body, improve flexibility, and boost your metabolism. It turns out that quite a bit of evidence supports the idea that exercise can help lower back pain,...

A yoga mat. Did you know yoga is a great exercise to lower back pain?

5 Ways to Protect Your Spine at Work

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Regardless if you have a job that requires a lot of heavy lifting, or you spend most of your days at a desk, or do something in between, back injuries are something you always want to avoid. They can happen...

A woman stretching to protect her spine at work.

4 Natural Approaches to PCOS

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

I’ve been talking a lot about Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, and I even discussed 7 signs of PCOS in a recent post. Many of you are probably wondering if there are ways to approach PCOS using natural methods. While there are...

A is woman meditating. Maintaining a healthy weight is a great natural approach to PCOS.

5 Ways to Approach Ulcerative Colitis

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Considering that 18% of persons with ulcerative colitis suffer from an active form of the disease, and 30% of those patients need a colostomy within 10 years of diagnosis, it's no surprise that treatment can be quite challenging. [1] Factors...

A board with acupuncture needles.

12 Ways to Support Your Immune System Naturally

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Your immune system is your frontline defense against environmental toxins, viruses, bacteria, and other harmful microorganisms. Unfortunately, the toxins present in today’s world are weakening the human immune system at an ever-increasing rate and there’s only so much we can...

12 Ways to Support Your Immune System Naturally