The Health Benefits of Peppermint Leaf

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a hardy perennial herb that is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint. It's native to Europe, but can be found all across the world. With a long history of therapeutic use for a variety of ailments that extends back to ancient Egypt, peppermint is referred to as "the world's oldest medicine."
Nutritionally, peppermint offers vitamins A and C, iron, potassium, fiber, and it's low-calorie. Its refreshing flavor and cooling sensation lead to its inclusion in many products including mouthwash, toothpaste, soap, and ointment. Regardless of whether you obtain it from your local farmer's market, grow it in your own herb garden at home, or purchase a supplement, peppermint leaf offers many amazing health benefits.
Benefits of Peppermint
- Defends against harmful organisms
- Supports digestive health
- Promotes respiratory health
- Promotes oral health
- May relieve headaches
- Soothes against stress
- Supports the liver
- Contains antioxidants
- Soothes muscle tissue
Peppermint Leaf Fights Harmful Organisms
Peppermint and compounds from peppermint leaf, including menthol, help defend against many types of harmful organisms.[1] It's been evaluated against head lice,[2] fungus,[3] and even worms that reside in goat intestines[4] — all with positive results.
Peppermint Supports Digestive Health
Appreciation for peppermint's qualities as a digestive aid extends back hundreds of years. Recent studies confirm peppermint tea is helpful for relieving indigestion.[5] People who have irritable bowel syndrome or IBS may experience abdominal discomfort, gas, and diarrhea. Taking peppermint leaf oil may ease the stomach in such situation.[6]
Peppermint Promotes Respiratory Health
You can breathe easy knowing that peppermint supports lung health and respiratory function.[7] Peppermint may even boost lung function during exercise. When healthy males consumed peppermint-infused mineral water it led to a measurable increase in their respiratory rate and running performance — likely due to increased oxygen concentration and decreased blood lactate levels.[8]
Peppermint Leaf & Oral Health
Peppermint is frequently added to toothpaste, mouthwash, and floss. Although its minty flavor keeps your mouth smelling fresh and feeling clean, it has an even greater effect on oral health. Peppermint encourages a healthy oral environment by deterring plaque and supporting gum health.[9] Peppermint may keep the mouth clean by inhibiting the growth of harmful organisms.[10]
Peppermint Leaf, Headaches, & Stress
With its lovely cooling sensation, peppermint is a widely used natural remedy for tension-type headaches — the most frequent type. By some accounts, peppermint oil can relieve a headache as well as aspirin or acetaminophen.[11] Peppermint has a soothing action and is also recommended by aromatherapy practitioners for feelings of stress and anxiety.
Peppermint & the Liver
Peppermint may support liver function by promoting the flow of bile.[12] Bile helps digest fats and encourages normal cholesterol levels; normal cholesterol levels reduce the liver's workload. Additionally, compounds in peppermint leaf may protect the liver against certain toxins.[13] While more research is required to explore this relationship, early investigations about peppermint's ability to support liver health are positive.
Other Benefits of Peppermint Leaf
- Peppermint tea, one of the most-consumed herbal teas in the world, contains antioxidants.[14]
- Traditional folk medicine recommends peppermint for relieving discomfort, a claim that has been investigated and substantiated.[15]
- Peppermint has a relaxing effect on smooth muscle tissue. There are many situations where relaxing smooth muscle tissue is beneficial, whether it be relieving a sore throat, or calming colonic spasms during barium enemas.[16]
- Some studies suggest that certain compounds in peppermint, in certain situations, may promote normal cell growth and development.[17]
How to Grow Your Own Peppermint
Peppermint is a fantastic and valuable addition to an organic herb garden. It repels insects and requires minimal care. Once established, peppermint grows rapidly; some gardeners might say it grows a little too easily.
True peppermint is not grown from seeds. As a hybrid plant, most peppermint plants are sterile. Unscrupulous sellers still offer something called "peppermint seeds" but I wouldn't recommend purchasing. They either won't germinate or aren't true peppermint. If they do germinate, what grows could be mint, but not peppermint. The taste, smell, and therapeutic properties will be different — and probably not as pleasant.
True peppermint is grown only via cuttings. You should be able to find some at your local garden shop, or from a green-thumbed friend who already possesses a peppermint plant. Perform a taste test on a leaf first. The plant you grow will effectively be a clone of the original and should taste exactly the same.
Plant in early spring. The cuttings prefer a temperature of at least 65°F (~18°C). If the temperature outside regularly falls below that, you can start the cuttings inside your home, but once the cuttings reach 10 cm in height, it's time to move them outdoors. Peppermint prefers moist, but well-drained, soil and full or partial sunlight.
The plants will grow about one to two feet in height and completely cover the ground. Like most mint species, peppermint is invasive and, if you aren't careful, it will take over your whole garden. For this reason, many gardeners prefer to grow peppermint in a container or in an enclosed area on the ground to prevent the roots from spreading.
Peppermint leaves can be harvested as soon as they begin growing. The new leaves will have the best flavor. When harvesting, leave at least 1/3 of the plant intact. The essential oils of mint are most potent when harvested in the morning after the dew has dried.
Dry peppermint leaves quickly after harvesting, as they tend to mold quickly. Peppermint may be air-dried by tying the stems into bunches. Hang the stems upside in a paper bag, in a cool, dry place. After two weeks, the herbs will be dry and ready to store. If stored in an airtight container, the herb should remain fresh for up to three years.
Using Peppermint Leaf
Peppermint leaf is used in many ways. Add the leaves to salads or make peppermint tea. Adding peppermint leaves to purified water is cooling and refreshing. Chewing peppermint leaves is an easy way to naturally freshen breath.
Peppermint as a Supplement
If you want the benefits of peppermint leaf without the hassle of growing or preparing it yourself, peppermint oils and peppermint leaf extract are a great alternative. Global Healing offers an array of products that contain high quality, organic peppermint extract. Global Healing's Lung Health supports respiratory health, and Liver Health promotes optimal liver function. Both harnesses the power of peppermint and other organic herbs to support your health.
References (17)
- Keskin D, Toroglu S. "Studies on antimicrobial activities of solvent extracts of different spices." J Environ Biol. 2011 Mar;32(2):251-6.
- Veal L. "The potential effectiveness of essential oils as a treatment for headlice, Pediculus humanus capitis." Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery. 1996 Aug;2(4):97-101.
- Zaker M, Mosallanejad H. "Antifungal activity of some plant extracts on Alternaria alternata, the causal agent of alternaria leaf spot of potato." Pak J Biol Sci. 2010 Nov 1;13(21):1023-9.
- De Almeida MA, et al. "[Effects of aqueous extracts of Mentha piperita L. and Chenopodium ambrosioides L. leaves in infective larvae cultures of gastrointestinal nematodes of goats]." Rev Bras Parasitol Vet. 2007 Jan-Mar;16(1):57-9. Portuguese.
- "Herbal remedies for dyspepsia: peppermint seems effective." Prescrire Int.2008;17(95):121-3.
- Cappello G, et al. "Peppermint oil (Mintoil) in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a prospective double blind placebo-controlled randomized trial." Dig Liver Dis. 2007;39(6):530-6.
- Shkurupiĭ VA, et al. "[Efficiency of the use of peppermint (Mentha piperita L) essential oil inhalations in the combined multi-drug therapy for pulmonary tuberculosis]." 8 Probl Tuberk. 2002;(4):36-9.
- Meamarbashi A, Rajabi A. "The effects of peppermint on exercise performance." Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2013;10:15. doi:10.1186/1550-2783-10-15.
- Aspalli S, et al. "Evaluation of antiplaque and antigingivitis effect of herbal mouthwash in treatment of plaque induced gingivitis: A randomized clinical trial." J Indian 11 Soc Periodontol. 2014;18(1):48-52.
- Thosar N, et al. "Antimicrobial efficacy of five essential oils against oral pathogens: An in vitro study." Eur J Dent. 2013;7(Suppl 1):S71-7.
- Göbel H, et al. "[Peppermint oil in the acute treatment of tension-type headache]." Schmerz. 2016;30(3):295-310.
- Zong L, et al. "Preliminary experimental research on the mechanism of liver bile secretion stimulated by peppermint oil." J Dig Dis. 2011;12(4):295-301.
- Sharma A, et al. "Protective effect of Mentha piperita against arsenic-induced toxicity in liver of Swiss albino mice. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol." 2007 Apr;100(4):249-57.
- Fecka I, Turek S. "Determination of water-soluble polyphenolic compounds in commercial herbal teas from Lamiaceae: peppermint, melissa, and sage." J Agric Food Chem. 2007 Dec 26;55(26):10908-17. Epub 2007 Dec 4.
- Taher YA. "Antinociceptive activity of Mentha piperita leaf aqueous extract in mice." Libyan J Med. 2012;7. doi: 10.3402/ljm.v7i0.16205. Epub 2012 Mar 27.
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- Jain D, et al. " Evaluation of cytotoxicity and anticarcinogenic potential of Mentha leaf extracts." Int J Toxicol. 2011 Mar;30(2):225-36. doi: 10.1177/1091581810390527. Epub 2011 Feb 7.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

Dr. Edward Group, DC
FOUNDER | HEALER | ADVOCATEDr. Group, DC is a healer and alternative health advocate, and an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health who is dedicated to helping others. He is a registered doctor of chiropractic (DC), a naturopathic practitioner (NP), and proud alum of Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Group, DC is the founder of Global Healing – a mission and vision he has shared through best-selling books and frequent media appearances. He aims to spread his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.