The Benefits of Homemade Breast Milk Yogurt for Babies


Over the past few years, a renewed interest in natural parenting has spread like wildfire. Books, magazines, and websites have all been outlets for increasing awareness of natural childbirth, nutrition, and holistic parenting techniques. With all of this ongoing discussion, some interesting ideas are bound to spring forth once in a while. Perhaps one of the most unusual is making homemade yogurt from breast milk. It may sound bizarre at first, but really isn't such an odd idea after all.

The Benefits of Breast Milk Yogurt for Infants

Yogurt, while common, isn't usually on the radar when constructing a meal plan for a baby. Regardless, breast milk yogurt, may be a healthy option for your baby. Yogurt itself provides a host of beneficial bacteria (termed "probiotics") that aid in balancing the digestive system, regulating mood, and supporting the immune system. [1] [2] [3] Breast milk is also a great source of nutrients, protein, CLA, and lauric acid, a fatty acid responsible for fighting off infections, harmful organisms and supporting cardiovascular health. [4] [5] Other fatty acids, like omega-3 fatty acids, are also found in breast milk, and promote proper brain development. The combination of lauric acid and probiotics in breast milk yogurt may skyrocket its nutritional value. [6] [7] Research shows that a baby's nutritional status often sets the pace for their life. Not only are dietary habits typically set during the baby’s first few years, metabolic state is also arranged during this time and it's based on what the baby consumes.

One Final Thought

Making baby food at home requires extreme care, knowledge, and healthy safety implementations in order to produce a clean, safe product for your infant. Breast milk yogurt should be produced in a sanitary environment and only if the mother (or other caretaker) knows what they are doing. If producing your baby's food is of interest, I'd also recommend making organic, homemade baby food at home.

References (7)
  1. Balakrishnan M, Floch MH. Prebiotics, probiotics and digestive health. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. 2012 November;15(6):580-5. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e328359684f.
  2. Mulak A. Good bacteria for good mood: probiotics and the brain-gut axis interactions. Pol Arch Med Wewn. 2013;123(1-2):71-2.
  3. Ashraf R, Shah NP. Immune system stimulation by probiotic microorganisms. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2014;54(7):938-56. doi: 10.1080/10408398.2011.619671.
  4. Tangwatcharin P, Khopaibool P. Acitivty of virgin coconut oil, lauric acid or monolaurin in combination with lactic acid against Staphylococcus aureus. The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. 2012 July;43(4):969085.
  5. de Roos N, Schouten E, Katan M. Consumption of a solid fat rich in lauric acid results in a more favorable serum lipid profile in healthy men and women than consumption of a solid fat rich in trans-fatty acids. Journal of Nutrition. 2001 February;131(2):242-5.
  6. Lucas A. Long-term programming effects of early nutrition -- implications for the preterm infant. Journal of Perinatology. 2005 May;25 Suppl 2:S2-6.
  7. Lara-Villoslada F, Olivares M, Sierra S, Rodriguez JM, Boza J, Xaus J. Beneficial effects of probiotic bacteria isolated from breast milk. British Journal of Nutrition. 2007 October;98 Suppl 1:S96-100.

†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

Dr. Edward Group, DC

Dr. Group, DC is a healer and alternative health advocate, and an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health who is dedicated to helping others. He is a registered doctor of chiropractic (DC), a naturopathic practitioner (NP), and proud alum of Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Group, DC is the founder of Global Healing – a mission and vision he has shared through best-selling books and frequent media appearances. He aims to spread his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.

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