
The Benefits of Organic Shampoo and Conditioners

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Using cosmetics that contain harmful chemicals can lead to dire health consequences down the road. If you're trying to live a clean, green life it only makes sense to seek out non-toxic, all-natural options. Choosing organic shampoo and conditioner products...

A bottle of organic shampoo and conditioners are safer for the body.

How to Flush the Liver

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

To understand liver cleansing, it's necessary to understand the function of the liver is to process toxins. If a liver running at 60% efficiency is leaving 40% of toxins unprocessed to accumulate in and float around, what effect do you...

A cup of tea. To do a liver flush, try to consume organics foods and supplements. Process foods are harmful to the body.

Vegan Pecan Pie Recipe: Traditional Texas-Style Recipe

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There are few things that say, "happy holidays" as well as a warm, tasty pecan pie. Of course, most pecan pies are loaded with sugar, totally erasing the incredible health benefits you get from eating pecans. Unacceptable! That’s why we’ve...


The Clear Skin Diet: Can Foods Cause Acne?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The torment of acne has become a rite of passage for teens. But, as it turns out, acne is not a condition limited to adolescents. Today, over 40 percent of American adults age 25 and over deal with clinical, facial...

Fruits and vegetables are part of the clear skin diet.

How Stress Affects Your Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Everyone feels stress from time to time, but many of us are unaware of the fact that many commonly-experienced imbalances in health may actually be our body's way of responding to physical and mental stress. Recent scientific studies have indicated...

A woman sitting at her desk at work.

Rosacea: Symptoms and Natural Remedies

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Earlier this year, researchers at Stanford University identified genes connected to rosacea. [1] Maybe this knowledge will help create better treatments for those with this skin condition. In the meantime, there are simple, inexpensive natural remedies to help heal and...

Raw honey is one of many natural remedies for rosacea.

What Are the Health Benefits of Tamarind?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Traditional Uses Benefits Nutrition Facts Grown around the world, the tamarind tree and its fruit that grows in pods and appears brown when mature delivers B vitamins and is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, and iron. An important part...

The tamarind fruit is considered a natural superfood and a traditional healer.

Are Pecans the Perfect Weight-Loss Snack?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Raw or roasted, pecans are one of the best foods for supporting a healthy body weight. They’re an incredible, nutrient-dense food that satisfies your hunger, keeps calories low, and stimulates your metabolism. Pecans also supply protein, antioxidants, and more than...

Pecans can be a great weight loss snack

Pecans from Texas: A Healthy & Nutritious Tradition

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Pecans and Texas go way back. In fact, here in the Lone Star State, we honor the pecan tree as our State tree. In 2013, Texas even made pecan pie the official State pie. [1] And speaking of pecan pie,...


Improving Gallbladder Function with Natural Support

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Your gallbladder plays a big role when it comes to healthy digestion. Perhaps someone close to you has undergone a cholecystectomy - a surgery to have his/her gallbladder removed. While it is possible to live without the small organ after...

Man experiencing discomfort in his gallbladder

Gallbladder Concerns: Disease, Symptoms & Natural Remedies

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

When it comes to helping with digestion, the liver and gallbladder work closely. While the liver makes the bile necessary to break down fats into fatty acids, the gallbladder (located beneath the liver) stores that bile until it's needed in...

Dandelion root is a great natural remedy for gallbladder problems.

Help Defend Oppressed Farmer Michael Schmidt

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The world can be an unjust place and there are many wrongs desperately in need of being made right. One that came to my attention involves a biodynamic farmer in Canada, Michael Schmidt, who is facing multiple charges and up...

Michael Schmidt