Top 10 Low-Carb, Keto Foods to Add to Your Kitchen

There are a lot of people out there following this trend of a ketogenic diet. This is nothing new! This has been around for a long time — Atkins did it! Ketogenic is nothing more than just eating “low carbohydrate” or low-carb. It's bringing your body into a state of ketosis, which means your body starts using ketones for fuel instead of glucose for fuel.
What happens? You start losing weight, and that's why most people are using ketogenic diets.
Everybody's always asking:
- What can I eat?
- Is keto good for me?
- Are low carbohydrate-foods good for me?
Keto is just a trend really. All it is is just [eating] low-carbohydrate. What you have to ask yourself is: are you addressing the root cause of your health condition? And why are you going keto? Are you doing it to lose weight? Are you doing it because you want to be a healthier person?
Ultimately, you want a diet that will work for you over the long-term, rather than a quick-fix to lose weight. While losing weight quickly can be a great benefit of a ketogenic diet, you must have a transition plan, and you must make sure that when you get off the diet, you know how to eat in a way that does not cause you to just rebound back to eating all the foods you abstained from.
I picked my favorite low carbohydrate, keto-approved vegetables. Read the transcription or watch the video below to learn more!

REVEALED - Top 10 Low Carb Vegetarian Foods for Keto Over 40
Length: 9 minutes
10 Best Low-Carb, Keto Foods
Let’s dive in the top foods I recommend for a keto diet! Please make sure that you always try to buy all of your food organic. This way you're avoiding pesticides, insecticides, and GMOs.
1. Kale
Kale is a cruciferous vegetable. It's high in iron, chlorophyll, vitamin K, and calcium. It's very nutrient dense and it actually has more vitamin C than an orange! Now, what you can do is massage kale before you eat it, and that helps you digest it.
2. Chia Seeds
The next thing I like is chia seeds. Chia is the ancient Mayan word for strength. It was used over 3,000 years ago. Chia seeds have more omega-3 fatty acids than any other plant food.
Chia helps me feel full. It's packed with zinc, magnesium, and even protein.
3. Spinach
Spinach is high in iron, B vitamins, vitamin A, C, K, dietary fiber. It’s even high in calcium and magnesium.
It's also good to juice spinach. If you're making fresh juices in the morning, I recommend using spinach as a juice.
4. Celery
Celery is extremely beneficial to juice! I like making celery juice by itself. Celery was initially used as medicine. It was classified as an herb years ago and used for toothaches, insomnia, hypertension, and anxiety. Believe it or not, the Romans used to use celery as an aphrodisiac.
So, it's a great staple in a low-carb diet that you can use and put in your salads. Celery is a good addition to add to your low-carbohydrate diet. You can eat celery raw or just snack on it throughout the day.
5. Avocados
I love avocados! Avocados taste great. There's so much stuff you can do with avocados, and it's actually classified as a fruit.
6. Berries
Most people will tell you not to eat fruit on a low-carb diet or keto diet. But, I'm a big believer in fruit. Fruit is powerful. Fruit has little tiny seeds on it, lots of water, fiber, phytonutrients, and colors in it.
When I'm on a low-carb diet or keto diet, I love to mix in some of those vibrant colors — rainbows of colors — like strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries, as well.
They contain very strong antioxidants and are just power-packed superfoods. They can contain folate, B vitamins, potassium, and dietary fiber.
7. Cauliflower
I'll tell you another thing that I love is cauliflower. It's a staple of my vegan-keto diet, and even when I'm not on a vegan-keto diet I still enjoy cauliflower because there's so many different ways to prepare it. Cauliflower just has an incredible taste and crispiness to it.
I know a lot of people that just love to make cauliflower steaks, and you can even get cauliflower steaks in restaurants these days.
Cauliflower is only 25 calories for almost four ounces. It's an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, pantothenic acid, B6, dietary fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and biotin — which is great for the hair, nails, and skin.
There's so many different ways to prepare cauliflower! Sometimes I like to put some lemon juice or apple cider vinegar on it, whereas other times I like to eat it raw, broil, or steam cauliflower.
Eating everything in its raw state is going to give you the highest vibrational energy for your body. Most people just eat too much food, which is why it's another good thing incorporate vegetarian, raw foods in your diet if possible.
If you prefer, you can steam or make raw juices out of fruits and vegetables. All of these are going to add to the vibrational energy field in your body.
8. Broccoli
Broccoli is known as the crown jewel of nutrition. Broccoli is extremely rich and powerful in vitamins and minerals. I like to eat it raw or steamed. There's so many different recipes out there you can use for broccoli.
9. Cabbage
Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin K, which most people are deficient in, and B6. And cabbage promotes bone health, and it maintains blood pressure.
And what I love about it is it actually helps detoxify the body. It helps heal the bowel and it helps regulate your sugar levels, as well as initiates the metabolic pathways for weight loss, so cabbage is one of my favorite foods as well.
10. Nuts & Seeds
Now, I always keep nuts and seeds around — raw nuts and seeds — for that power-packed energy boost if I need it throughout the day, or if I just get hungry. Some of my favorites include:
- Pumpkin seeds
- Walnuts
- Almonds
- Pecans
- Brazil nuts
Bonus Food!
One other thing I like to add in sometimes if I'm hungry or if I don't have time to make a meal is mixing a vegan protein powder — plant-based only — with almond milk. Maybe add a little almond butter in there as well, and that's a good snack.
Points to Remember
These are some of my favorite vegetarian-keto foods, but there are so many other foods you can incorporate into your diet! This is a trendier diet, but if done with whole, nutritious foods it can bring you lasting results.
Until next time, you have the power to heal yourself. You have the power to be mindful, which means paying attention to your food, eating your food in a calm state, and eating your food in a loving state. Don’t forget: You have the power to heal, and always live healthy.
For more information on the keto diet, watch my video below on the Must-Dos for Keto Over 40.

Must-Dos for Keto Over 40
Length: 7 minutes
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your physician.

Dr. Edward Group, DC
FOUNDER | HEALER | ADVOCATEDr. Group, DC is a healer and alternative health advocate, and an industry leader and innovator in the field of natural health who is dedicated to helping others. He is a registered doctor of chiropractic (DC), a naturopathic practitioner (NP), and proud alum of Harvard Business School and MIT Sloan School of Management. Dr. Group, DC is the founder of Global Healing – a mission and vision he has shared through best-selling books and frequent media appearances. He aims to spread his message of positivity, hope, and wellness throughout the world.