Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Natural Remedies That Work

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Symptoms Treatments Nutritional Remedies Causes Diagnosis We all feel tired, even exhausted, some of the time. But for some people, the exhaustion never lets up, and it comes along with physical discomfort, sleep issues, and trouble with memory and concentration....

A woman coping with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome by meditating by the lake.

How to Stay Awake at Work: 15 Quick Tips

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Perhaps you woke up this morning with a spring in your step, helped along by a cup or two of coffee. But now, in front of your computer screen, the caffeine has worn off and your eyelids feel heavy. Figuring...

A woman drinking water while working. Maintaining hydrate is key for staying awake at work.

Why Am I Always Tired? Simple Tips to Stay Alert

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

It never fails — you go to bed to get some much-desired rest, wake up thinking you got plenty, and then suddenly you're tired again. Or maybe you just feel tired all the time, and for seemingly no reason —...

A table with tea and lavender.

Natural Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Natural Remedies Causes Yikes, what is that? You are lying down in bed but there is a creeping, tingling, pulling sensation in your legs, which gives you a strong, uncontrollable urge to move your legs. In fact, it feels...

Woman stretching on yoga mat. Stretching is a natural home remedy that can help alleviate symptoms of restless leg syndrome.

Learn How to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Causes Symptoms Tips Imagine you're on your way to a crucial job interview. You're stuck in traffic and worried you'll miss the appointment. You can't take an alternate route, and time is ticking. If you could see your cells, you...

An individual stretching. Regular aerobic exercise can help reduce your cortisol and stress levels.

5 Powerful Lithium Effects on the Brain

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Brain Benefits Foods Supplements Side Effects Did you know lithium is a naturally occurring mineral — an alkali metal — found all over the earth? The name lithium derives from the Greek word lithos, meaning stone. Traces of lithium exist...

A grandfather and son working on a puzzle.

Lithium Orotate Benefits for Your Brain & Beyond

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Benefits Side Effects and Precautions Sources In the early 1900s, people flocked to Lithia Springs in Georgia, a hot spring known for its lithium-enriched water. Hailed for its therapeutic properties as a mood booster, stress reliever, and aphrodisiac, the lithiated...

A woman relieving stress by reading in the park. Lithium orotate is another way to manage stress.

Benefits of Lithium: A Vital Nutrient for the Brain & Body

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Benefits Food Sources Supplements Precautions When you hear the word 'lithium', what do you think of? Maybe it reminds you of a Nirvana song. Or perhaps you know lithium as one of three elements that comprised the universe when it...

A man focusing on reading a book. Increased focus is a benefit of lithium.

17 Home Remedies for Migraines That Really Work

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Symptoms Remedies Causes Food Triggers There are headaches — and then there are migraines. About one in ten people experience these types of headaches, which bring intense pain and other symptoms. While some sufferers only get migraines occasionally, others have...

A cup of ginger tea. Ginger tea is a natural home remedy for migraines.

Brain Fog: How to Naturally Get Rid of Brain Fatigue

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Symptoms Causes Natural Remedies Supplements If you struggle with poor focus, mental fatigue, or confusion, brain fog may be the culprit. Though not a medically recognized condition, brain fog is a common complaint. The condition often happens in older people...

A woman who is unable to concentrate and experiencing brain fog while working on multiple tasks.

The Importance of Sleep & How to Get More of It

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Stages Benefits Amount of Sleep Signs of Deprivation Tips Roughly one in three adults in the United States do not get enough sleep.[1] That means that 33 percent of adults are regularly getting less than seven hours of shut-eye each...

The Importance of Sleep & How to Get More of It

Sleep Deprivation: Symptoms & Natural Remedies

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Stages Causes Symptoms Health Effects Natural Remedies Are you sleep deprived or just tired? Not getting enough sleep is so common in the U.S. that more than one-third of Americans do not get enough, despite its importance to health and...

A messy bed. Sleep deprivation can lead to health issues.