How Selenium Boosts Mood and Mental Health
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Unlock the Secrets: How Selenium Boosts Mood and Mental Health Selenium is an essential trace micronutrient that your body cannot make on its own. Although the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of selenium is only 55 micrograms (one microgram is equal...

Experts Agree That Good Mood Leads to Good Health
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
A positive mood isn’t just a pleasant state of mind – it’s a crucial component of overall health. Studies show that maintaining a good mood can enhance immune function, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of chronic diseases [1]. When...

Want to Age Gracefully? Here's the 4-1-1
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Everyone talks about aging gracefully but let's get serious. When your ears suddenly sprout hair, you leak a little every time you laugh, and you habitually adjust your television's volume control to a very, very loud setting, “grace" is not...

The Delicious Health Benefits of Chocolate
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Believe it or not, consuming chocolate has numerous health benefits. This is not just wishful thinking, it is fact. However, before running out to buy all those candy bars you've been resisting for so long, it's important to know all...

Self-Care While Social Distancing: 12 Ideas & Tips
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
How to Keep Calm Ways to Have Fun How to Stay Productive Health experts are recommending "social distancing" — staying home and going out only for essentials. Some people relish the idea, while others get a bit stir-crazy, even as...

The Top 15 Supplements & Vitamins for Stress Relief
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Minerals Vitamins Herbs Other Supplements Imagine going through the day with a constant happy vibe. You’re productive, content, and feeling good. In today’s busy world, we can easily forget it’s possible to feel stress-free and live in a peaceful state...

Top 13 Nootropic Supplements to Sharpen Mind & Mood
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Top Supplements Which One Is Right For You? If you want a nutritional supplement to enhance your brain function — short-term memory, focus, creativity, mood, or motivation — look for a nootropic. The term nootropic comes from the Greek...

Benefits of Nootropics: 7 Ways These Supplements Help Your Brain
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Are you looking for something that boosts your brain — giving you more mental energy, motivation, memory, or focus? Then you’re looking for a nootropic. Whether you’re a hard worker needing a boost of creativity, a student ready to hit...

9 Natural Remedies for Headaches for Quick Relief
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Types of Headaches Remedies Causes Did you know that headaches are the most common form of pain?[1] Relatively minor and temporary conditions such as dehydration, stress, the flu, a cold, an ear or tooth infection, or staring at a computer...

CoQ10 Benefits: A Powerful Energizing Antioxidant for Health & Vitality
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Benefits Deficiency Signs Sources Precautions If you're looking for a supplement that can help you feel energized, promotes healthy aging, and keeps you feeling your best, look no further than CoQ10. Supplemental CoQ10 benefits include increased energy levels, healthy...

The Gut-Brain Connection: Boost Mental Health Through the Gut
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Have you ever thought of improving your mental health through the gut? If not, you should be. Your gut is where digestion begins, but it's also connected to your brain and at least 70 percent of your immune system. You...

3 Ways to Increase Mental Health in the WorkPlace
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Mental wellness plays a significant role in the workplace, as it impacts an individual's ability to perform daily tasks, manage workload, and deal with stress effectively. Given the demands of modern jobs, it is common for individuals to experience burnout...