Natural Appetite Suppressants: The Best Ways to Eat Less & Lose Weight
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Top Appetite Suppressants Additional Tips If you're looking to lose a few pounds or need a little metabolic boost, you may have considered using appetite suppressants. Appetite suppressants are substances that reduce your food cravings. But do they work?...

Natural Fat Burners: Which Ones Actually Work?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Fat Burners Fat-Burning Foods Tips We all want a magic pill that can help us burn fat. Unfortunately, those don't exist. However, natural fat burners — foods and nutritional supplements that have fat-burning properties — can aid a healthy diet...

Which Metabolism Boosters Work? The Top 6 Boosters Explained
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Metabolism Boosters Side Effects Tips Metabolism. We've all heard friends and colleagues complain that theirs has ground to a halt or slowly chugs along, preventing them from dropping weight. We’ve also all seen the ads and commercials for metabolism...

How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally: 15 Proven Ways
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits Foods Diet Exercise Tips Lifestyle Supplementation If you're looking for natural ways to raise your metabolism, you'll be happy to know that your metabolic rate can be altered without using medications or other unnatural means. Your basal metabolic rate...

CoQ10 Benefits: A Powerful Energizing Antioxidant for Health & Vitality
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Benefits Deficiency Signs Sources Precautions If you're looking for a supplement that can help you feel energized, promotes healthy aging, and keeps you feeling your best, look no further than CoQ10. Supplemental CoQ10 benefits include increased energy levels, healthy...

Joint Problem Causes and What You Can Do to Help
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Introduction As the connection between your bones, joints put in a lot of work each and every day. Because of this extraordinary amount of work, joint issues are extremely common. And it’s easy to see why joint complaints tend to...

9 Reasons Why Exercise May Be the Best Medicine
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
There is no debate, regular exercise is vital for maintaining health and wellness. Again and again, research confirms that everyone can benefit from physical activity. Want to live a long, healthy life? Your chances of doing so are far better...

13 Foods That Cleanse the Liver
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Modern society is a sad state that produces many over-processed livers. When we overeat or eat processed or fried foods, or anytime we are exposed to environmental pollutants or stress, the liver becomes overworked and overloaded. When the liver is...

6 Healthy Lifestyle Changes to Make Today
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Over the years, I’ve helped thousands of people make better choices for their life and their health. People from all backgrounds say they feel sick, tired, and depressed. What’s truly scary is that people begin to accept that feeling as...

Wim Hof Breathing: 6 Benefits for Body & Mind
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
From running a marathon in the snow — barefoot— to climbing part of Mount Everest wearing shorts, Wim Hof, "The Iceman" is no stranger to the extreme. Hof, a Dutch athlete, trained himself to withstand very cold temperatures using a...

Brain Exercises: 12 Simple Ways to Stimulate Your Mind & Memory
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Did you know your brain can atrophy or shrink if you don’t train it regularly? When the brain atrophies, your ability to remember, think clearly, and make decisions shrinks, as well. The good news? You can strengthen your mental acuity...

Low Testosterone in Men: Signs, Causes, & Solutions
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Symptoms Causes Remedies Testosterone plays a vital role in male sexuality. This hormone gives men their deep voice, facial hair, and sexual drive. As men grow older, it’s natural for testosterone levels to decline, but levels can drop prematurely due...