
Study Links Prenatal Exposure to Chemicals to a Higher BMI in Toddlers

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The other day, a colleague of mine sent me over the results from a recent study that sghows a link between higher body mass index (BMI) in toddlers, and the mothers' prenatal exposure to environmental pollutants, such as pesticides found...


New Research: Soy Formula Affects Reproductive Development in Mice

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

You might already know that I'm not a big fan of certain non-fermented soy products. The results of a newly published study on the effects of soy formula on the reproductive systems of mice only underscores how bad they can...

New Research: Soy Formula Affects Reproductive Development in Mice

Study: Taking Probiotics During Pregnancy May Prevent Obesity & Assist Weight Loss After Birth

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Weight loss is something many women struggle with after pregnancy. And the unfortunate truth is, a good number of them were already carrying around an unhealthy amount of excess body fat even before they were pregnant. Better understanding female obesity...


Health Benefits of Iodine For Thyroid Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There are many health benefits of iodine for thyroid health. Iodine, a micronutrient present in many of the foods we eat (in trace amounts), is key in helping the thyroid gland make thyroid hormones.[1] The body cannot produce iodine by...

A bowl of organic seaweed salad in a wooden bowl.

Study: More Vitamin B in Mother’s Diet Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer in Offspring

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Few experts question the influence a mother's diet can have on her children's long term physical health. Yet, many believe this effect is mostly sociological, limited to positive or negative role modeling, and the development of general dietary habits later...

Study: More Vitamin B in Mother’s Diet Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer in Offspring

Study: Probiotics May Help Protect Infants From Respiratory Illness

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Findings presented by Finnish researchers at the University of Turku further supports the potential benefits of probiotics during the first months of life, particularly with regard to respiratory health. The scientists claim a near 30 percent reduction in respiratory illness...

Study: Probiotics May Help Protect Infants From Respiratory Illness

Study: Folic Acid in Early Pregnancy Associated With Reduced Risk of Severe Language Delay in Children

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Pediatricians will tell you how important it is for expectant mothers to take prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. Pregnancy is a time when it's essential for mothers and their developing babies have access to all the vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients...


How to Make Your Own Organic Baby Food

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If genetically-modified and chemically-laden produce can cause adverse health effects in adults, imagine what it can do to an infant. Yet, many people who will buy their own organic produce also reach for conventional baby food when shopping for their...

A plate of fruits, vegetables, and pureed carrots.

7 Organic Baby Products to Know About

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you are concerned about getting chemical-free, non-genetically modified foods and products for yourself, you are likely concerned about the same for your baby. We know these products can cause long-term negative health effects, yet they continue to be marketed...

A nursery filled with toys and baby products.

10 Things to Know About BPA

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There are 10 things about BPA each one of us should know to help us protect our most important resource-our children-from a number of horrible health conditions we would never wish on our worst enemies. These facts include information on...

Bisphenol A

9 Incredible Health Benefits of Folate

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Folate, or vitamin B9, is one of many essential vitamins. You may also be familiar with folic acid as a form of folate; folic acid is the synthetic version used for food fortification and supplements. Folate is important because it...

Folate is great for heart health.

10 Shocking Facts about the Health Dangers of Wi-Fi

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Wi-Fi is convenient but many have raised doubts concerning the safety of unseen forces that permeate everything around us. Since the introduction of Wi-Fi in 1997, researchers have performed dozens of studies to explore the subject. The results are clear...

A woman holding her Smartphone. In 2008, the Scientific American publication explained the danger of Wi-FI on the human brain.