
The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Osha Root

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Osha, or Ligusticum porteri, (also called bear root) is an important perennial herb that inhabits the dry, upland meadows and ravines of the Rocky Mountain. The beneficial part of the osha plant is the root, which has long been used...

Osha Root can help alleviate breathing problems.

Iodine and Radiation

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

After nuclear disasters like Fukushima and Chernobyl, many people around the world have begun looking into natural ways to protect themselves from the negative effects of radiation - particularly those who reside near nuclear facilities or other problematic sites. This...

A drop of iodine into water.

What is Chiropractic? 7 Fast Facts

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Chiropractic care has become a common and recommended treatment for many ailments. It's often covered by health insurance and the US government offers chiropractic care for members of the armed services; a licensed chiropractor is even stationed in the Capitol...

A chiropractor performing back adjustments on his patient.

What Is Millet? 6 Reasons to Add it to Your Diet

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Sensitivity to gluten is on the rise, as is the demand for gluten-free foods; especially grains. Although there are many new, processed foods that are being marketed as gluten-free, a considerable number of people are taking a step back and...


What Is Carvacrol? 8 Facts to Know

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Carvacrol may not be a widely recognized household name, but its source – oregano, probably is. As it turns out, oregano offers more than a pleasant taste; research has shown that carvacrol, its active ingredient, offers a wide range of...


10 Amazing Benefits of Chlorophyll

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

You may have heard a lot of buzz surrounding the healthiness of vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables with deep, rich color tones. In many ways, they're perfect foods and part of the credit is owed to the chlorophyll they contain....

There are many health benefits of Chlorophyll such as helping control body order and hunger. A glass of a leafy green drink.

The Benefits of Chiropractic in the Military

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Chronic, physical pain resulting from serious trauma, and even "less serious" injuries, affects many soldiers and veterans. In many cases, the pain interferes with normal function and the ability to perform daily duties. Unfortunately for many, chronic pain is written...

Military Chiropractor

What Is Kombucha? The 10 Facts You Need to Know

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you're into health food, you may have heard of kombucha. Kombucha is a lightly fermented tea which has achieved considerable popularity among the healthy eating crowd. Advocates claim it enhances cognition, stimulates immune function, supports weight loss, can be...

A glass of kombucha. Kombucha helps promote lung and liver health.

10 Shocking Facts About Cow's Milk

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Cow’s milk has been a nutritious, dietary staple for children and adults for ages. Today, we're witnessing an increase in the frequency of cow's milk allergies and it's fueling a debate between proponents of pasteurized milk and raw milk. Whichever...

A pasture with several cows.

10 Interesting Facts About Chiropractic

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Therapeutic spinal manipulation has existed for at least 2500 years and chiropractic care as we know it today began over a hundred years ago. Since that time, it's gained recognition worldwide as an effective form of medical care. Patient satisfaction...

Chiropractic Logo

What Are the Causes of Nocturia?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Nocturia, the need to wake from sleep and urinate at least once a night, can lead to serious health complications. It may also indicate a serious, pre-existing health condition. Affecting both men and women of middle-age and older, nocturia should...

A woman waking up rested.

3 Early Signs You Have Kidney Stones

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Kidney stones are often called the worst pain on earth. Personal horror stories abound about them. It's easy to believe that horrific pain would be the only sign you've developed a kidney stone, but what if there are other early...

A person holding his lower back area. Most kidney stones pass through the urinary tract with no trouble.