Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
There is a virtual cornucopia of foods, herbs, and other forms of nourishment that are readily available to lower high blood pressure, or hypertension, naturally. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are just a handful of the healthy things you can eat...

4 Harmful Effects of Caffeine
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Whether you consume tea, coffee, sodas, energy drinks, or chocolate, you’re consuming some form of caffeine. This post is not meant to demonize caffeine altogether; in fact, at small amounts, caffeine has certain health benefits. It’s the excess use of...

Is Soy Good or Bad for You?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Soy milk, soy cheese, soy crisps — there is a booming market for vegan soy-based foods and a lot of supposed health authorities touting its alleged benefits. What if soy was actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing and only called...

3 Crazy Myths About Soy
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Soy, one of America’s favorite "health" foods, is not as benevolent as it is made out to be. One of the most successful maneuvers by the food and agricultural businesses in North America was marketing soy as a natural, health-promoting...

Top 10 Probiotic Foods
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
What Are Probiotics? Probiotics are beneficial forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate the natural enzymes and processes that keep our digestive organs functioning properly. For these live bacteria to keep you healthy, you have to keep them healthy. There...

The Very Best Foods & Nutrients for Healthy, Glowing Skin
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
What if the secret to clear, healthy, radiant skin isn’t found in a cream or serum, but rather in the food you eat? In fact, that is true! Whole foods contain nutrients that can get you glowing — naturally. Fruits...

What Does Detox Tea Do? What to Use & Avoid — With Recipes!
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
It’s no secret that black and herbal teas offer many health benefits.[1] Some people consume teas to detox the body. However, many of these so-called detox teas, particularly those with Senna or Cascara, contain ingredients that act as harsh laxatives...

Weight Loss Supplements: Which One Is Right for You?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Top Supplements Vitamins & Minerals Which to Avoid Tips Most people have tried to lose weight at some point in their life, whether it's dropping a few pounds or embarking on a more significant weight loss journey. You may try...

17 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips for Long-Term Success
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits Weight Loss Tips Long-Term Tips As societal wealth grows, so do people's waistlines — and thousands of businesses, pharmaceutical companies, and authors claim to have a "quick fix." As of January 2018, the worldwide value of the diet industry...

Fatty Liver Diet: Best Foods, Supplements, & Lifestyle Changes
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
What to Eat Foods to Avoid Meal Plan Supplements Lifestyle As the most common chronic liver disease in the West, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a scary-sounding diagnosis. People with this condition are at a higher risk of developing...

How to Boost Your Metabolism Naturally: 15 Proven Ways
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits Foods Diet Exercise Tips Lifestyle Supplementation If you're looking for natural ways to raise your metabolism, you'll be happy to know that your metabolic rate can be altered without using medications or other unnatural means. Your basal metabolic rate...

6 Ways to Boost Immune Health Through the Gut
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Many positive lifestyle choices can help balance your gut and boost your immune system. Making gut-friendly changes to your diet, choosing the right supplements, and generally prioritizing wellness can promote gut and immune system health. Here are a few proven...