What Is Pygeum Bark and Can It Help Prostate Health?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Pygeum herb is derived from the bark of the special evergreen­ tree called Prunus africana that grows in mountainous regions of Sub–Saharan Africa. The herb might have been known among natives of southern Africa – having used it to support...


10 Best Herbs for Female Hormone Balance

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Reduced sexual desire, a lack of energy, hormonal imbalance... all concerns that can cause a great deal of stress for women. Of course, environmental toxins and hormone disrupting chemicals (like BPA) only make the situation worse. Fortunately, women of any...

The maca herb can help with female hormone balance.

5 Herbs for Alzheimer’s Disease

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Alzheimer's disease — and the cost of allopathic remedies is on the rise. Here are 5 herbs to help you and your loved ones support Alzheimer's health plans. Top Herbs for Alzheimer's Disease Lemon balm The 16th century Swiss physician,...

A sage plant. Sage and herbs like ginseng have been studied for their potentially beneficial effect on Alzheimer's disease.

Star Anise: The Secret Ingredient in Tamiflu

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

With the onslaught of swine flu throughout the global community, there is a new push towards acquiring and stockpiling drugs that can be used to treat potentially lethal strains of influenza. According to medical science there is a pharmaceutical treatment...

Star Anise: The Secret Ingredient in Tamiflu

The Health Risks & Benefits of the Oleander Plant

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Warning: Oleander extract is made from a highly-lethal, poisonous plant. The following post is meant to offer exciting insight into emerging scientific evidence of its use as a natural remedy. Taking this extract without the guidance of an expert can...

The Health Risks & Benefits of the Oleander Plant

The Health Benefits of Parsley

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Most people are familiar with parsley as a food garnish that's used as a mere decoration and usually discarded. But, did you know that when it comes to herbs that promote superior body cleansing, parsley is one that’s high on...


The Health Benefits of Tienchi Ginseng Root

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you’re familiar with natural health, chances are you’ve heard about ginseng. Bud do you know that there are different types of ginseng? Also called Panax notoginseng, Tienchi ginseng is just one type and it promotes health and energy in...


Study: Thyme Oil Shows Success in Killing MRSA

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Nearly 20 thousand Americans die each year due to complications that stem from Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or better known as MRSA. This "super Staph" has received a lot of media coverage, and for good reason, it's scary. A regular Staph...

Study: Thyme Oil Shows Success in Killing MRSA

The Harmful Organism Cleansing Benefits of Pau D'Arco

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Pau d’arco is an herb found in the rainforests of the Amazon and in South and Latin America. Pau d’arco bark has been used by indigenous Latin populations for centuries to address a spectrum of health concerns and today its...

Pau D'arco has compounds that help fight against the harmful organisms.

10 Benefits of Organic Lovage

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Lovage, a member of the parsley family, is a widely-used herb in parts of Europe and southwest Asia. Its use in food and natural healing is nothing new, but it's also not usually first mentioned, so it isn’t surprising if...

Lovage helps support healthy skin and help fight harmful organism.

What Is Male Fern Root?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Male fern root, also known as Dryopteris filix-mas, Bear's paw, Knotty Brake, and Sweet Brake, has been used for centuries as a defense against harmful organisms. [1] Beyond that, the male fern root also offers other health benefits for humans...


The Benefits of Kamala

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Kamala (also known as Kamcela, Spoonwood, or Mallotus philippinensis) is a well-known plant coming from the humid tropical forests of Australia, the Philippines, India, Papua New Guinea, Malaysia, Africa, Southern Arabia, and southern China. First mentioned in the ancient Indian...
