Home Remedies for the Flu

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

As we enter into the cold months, many people will experience the effects of a cold or flu. Sore throats, muscle aches, stuffy noses, coughs, and fevers are just some of the common symptoms. Highly contagious, colds are the name...

Lemon tea is one of the home remedies for the flu.

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Lungwort

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Lungwort, also known as lungwort leaf or Pulmonaria officinalis, is a natural plant that has been used around the world for a variety of respiratory ailments, including coughs, colds, bronchial detoxification and catarrhal concerns. Lungwort is found in native damp...


10 Natural Ways to Prevent Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

While we should be enjoying the beauty of spring, many people suffer from seasonal allergies. From the birds to the pollen, there are many things that may cause suffering from the classic symptoms of an allergic reaction. In fact, research...

A couple on bike in green scenery.

Using Menthol Crystals For Lung Cleansing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

If you’ve experienced congestion, and we all have, you know it’s not only a miserable feeling, but it also, mechanically, can be difficult to breathe. Regular lung cleansing may just be the answer to many respiratory ailments. We’re always breathing...

Menthol crystals can be used for coughs and congestion support.

17 Health Benefits of Cayenne Pepper

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Many societies, especially those of the Americas and China, have a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically. A powerful plant with many uses, cayenne pepper gained buzz for cleansing and detoxifying regimes, which use the spice to stimulate circulation and...

Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of ailments such as heartburn and fever.

Study: Sufficient Zinc Intake Helps Alleviate Pneumonia in Elderly

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dietary zinc is a widely used essential mineral that is commonly found in a wide range of foods, over-the-counter health products and supplements. There's a large body of scientific evidence which suggests that consuming the adequate amount of zinc daily...

A man blowing his nose.

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Peppermint

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Peppermint, mentha piperita, is a versatile plant that has been cultivated and used for centuries in a variety of natural capacities ranging from indigestion, motion sickness, gas relief and more. Because it inhibits the growth of bacteria, mouthwash and toothpaste...

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Peppermint

The Health Benefits of Omega 3, 6, 9 Fatty Acids and EPA & DHA

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Omega-3 Benefits Omega-6 Benefits Omega-9 Benefits You've probably heard the terms "fatty acid" and "omega 3" before, but do you know what a fatty acid is or why your body needs it? What about the different types of fatty acids,...

One of the many benefits of Omega 3 is that it can help support digestive difficulties.

Star Anise: The Secret Ingredient in Tamiflu

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

With the onslaught of swine flu throughout the global community, there is a new push towards acquiring and stockpiling drugs that can be used to treat potentially lethal strains of influenza. According to medical science there is a pharmaceutical treatment...

Star Anise: The Secret Ingredient in Tamiflu

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Eucalyptus

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The eucalyptus tree is native to Australia and has over 700 species. Although eucalyptus is often thought of as a food for koala bears, its use extends well beyond being a food source for local wildlife and it has been...

A eucalyptus plant.

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Lobelia

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Uses of Lobelia Lobelia (Lobelia inflata) is an attractive annual or biennial considered to be one of the most valuable herbal remedies ever discovered, according to Potter's Encyclopedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. Lobelia has historically been used and appreciated...

Lobelia may have the ability to offer support for breathing difficulties.

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Elecampane

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Elecampane, also known as horse heal and marchalan, is a plant common in Great Britain, central and southern Europe, and Asia. Elecampane, has been long valued as an effective respiratory support herb, even being listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia. Traditional...

The Lung Cleansing Benefits of Elecampane