What Are Polyphenols?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Polyphenol is a term for the several thousand plant-based molecules that have antioxidant properties. The health benefits of antioxidants are well known! Besides their antioxidant nature, polyphenols also help regulating enzyme function and stimulate cell receptors.[1] Polyphenols are divided into...

Varicose Veins: The 10 Best Natural Remedies to Try
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Symptoms Remedies Medical Treatments Causes Precautions Varicose veins are a common condition in which enlarged veins are visible through the skin. Though varicose veins are usually unrelated to any serious medical conditions, some people feel uncomfortable because of their prominent...

Can Iodine Help With Hair Loss?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
It is clear that the micronutrient iodine is a key essential element for the normal growth and development in all of the body's organ and tissue systems. Iodine, plus iron, magnesium, and zinc, are often considered the best "hair growth...

Top Vitamin C Benefits for the Skin
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
When most people think about taking care of their skin, they focus on the outside — but what's on the inside counts even more! Perhaps you avoid tanning beds or wear sunscreen every day.[1] You may have a stack of...

Are Cold Showers Good For You? An Unlikely Immunity Booster!
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
For many of us, cold showers are an unpleasant mishap on a routine day. When you hear a shout of “THERE’S NO HOT WATER!" coming from the bathroom, it usually isn't a good thing. But it may be time to...

The 7 Best Vitamins for Healthy & Glowing Skin
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
If you want healthy skin — and who doesn't — you want to ensure you get the right combination of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. With so many out there, how do you know what specific vitamins promote skin health? Whether...

Home Remedies for Hives – Dr. Group, DC’s Natural Recommendations
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Identifying Signs & Symptoms Causes Natural Remedies Hives are never an easy condition to deal with. It’s a rash that can appear anywhere on your body and is usually triggered by an allergic reaction from a number of things like...

Aloe Vera for Skin: DIY Recipes for Healthy Skin, Acne, & More
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Healthy Skin Recipes Acne Recipes Stretch Mark Recipes Burn Recipes Nicknamed the “plant of immortality" in ancient times, aloe vera is a true wonder of nature. The spiky succulent plant has a vast variety of uses, the most famous being...

Dr. Group, DC's Simple Home Remedies for Adult Acne
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Regardless of your age, acne is a major inconvenience to say the least. Pinpointing the exact cause — and figuring out how to fix it — can be difficult. To complicate the situation, there are many alleged home remedies for...

Argan Oil: Health Benefits for Your Skin, Heart, & Beyond
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Benefits Uses Precautions Nicknamed "liquid gold," argan oil is renowned for its exemplary therapeutic and cosmetic properties. The oil comes from Morocco, but people around the world have traded it for its health benefits as early as the 6th...

Brittle Nails: Top Causes & Natural Remedies That Work
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Signs Causes Natural Remedies Precautions Having brittle nails that easily break, chip, and split is a common irritation for many people. Although brittle nails are painful and can affect day-to-day activities, fragile nails are usually just a cosmetic concern caused...

Eucalyptus Oil: Top Benefits & Uses With DIY Recipes
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
When you want natural, effective relief for seasonal coughs and colds, eucalyptus is your essential oil of choice. This fragrant evergreen tree is a household favorite not only for its odor-eliminating leaves but also thanks to its healing properties. If...