What Is Candida? Understanding Yeast Imbalance

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Candida is a type of fungus (or, more specifically – yeast) that can cause fungal infections like candidiasis, candidemia, and oral thrush.[1] Dozens of species of candida are known to affect humans and Candida albicans is the most common.[2, 3]...

A microscopic view of a candida. Over half of all humans have candida albicans present in the body, and it's on the rise.

Zinc & Testosterone: How This Mineral Boosts Libido & More

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Is there a connection between zinc and testosterone? Consider the case of sales manager Tom P. from Milwaukee, WI. As his 50th birthday approached, Tom felt a mixture of pride and concern. He was in the best shape of his...

A man running.

Andropause: What It Is & Natural Ways to Boost Vitality

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Andropause is a term applied to men who have reached a certain age where their testosterone levels decline. Certain lifestyle and dietary factors can make it worse, and certain natural herbs and lifestyle habits can make it better. Continue reading...

Andropause: What It Is & Natural Ways to Boost Vitality

Is Melatonin Safe? Benefits, Side Effects, & Alternatives

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Is It Safe? Benefits Side Effects In the quest for a good night's sleep, some people turn to melatonin as a useful ally. Although your body produces this sleep hormone naturally, some people take melatonin in a supplement form....

A white bed.

7 Dangers of Plastic

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Recently I talked about the dangers of lead and how, at one time, lead was used as heavily as plastic. Not anymore. Lead was discovered to be highly toxic and the use of it in products like paint, toys, and...

Plastic increases the risk of childhood asthma and decreases female libido.

How to Increase Testosterone: Natural Hacks That Work

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Natural Remedies Signs & Causes Normal Levels From supporting a healthy libido to building muscle mass, testosterone is an important hormone that has a massive influence on men’s health. Testosterone levels (sometimes called T levels) decline with age. The effects...

A man running, which is a natural way to increase your testosterone levels.

Vaginal pH Balance: Natural Ways to Stay Balanced & Healthy

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Signs of Imbalance Remedies Causes Precautions When something is wrong with your vagina, it's usually easy to tell — it's uncomfortable! You might assume that an infection is the culprit, but that's not always true: your vaginal pH is important,...

A woman chopping food.

Best Vitamins for Women to Support Any Age & Life Stage

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Stage: 20s – 40s Stage: 50s – Up Stage: Pregnant & Breastfeeding All Stages In an ideal world, you would get all the vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients from a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. If you're like many...

A mother and daughter laughing while on a walk together.

Hormonal Imbalance in Women: Top Causes & Home Remedies

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Symptoms Causes Natural Remedies Traditional Treatment At certain times in a woman's life, hormonal fluctuation is expected — during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause, for example. Other times, a hormonal imbalance may occur because of a stressful time in your...

A woman walking through a field.

Low Sex Drive in Women: 9 Causes & 7 Simple Solutions

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Symptoms Causes Natural Remedies If you have trouble feeling "in the mood," you're not the only one. Low sex drive in women is one of the most commonly reported sexual concerns.[1] Whether it's caused by pregnancy, menopause, stress, or fatigue,...

A couple walking through a field together holding hands.

Learn How to Lower Cortisol Levels Naturally

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Causes Symptoms Tips Imagine you're on your way to a crucial job interview. You're stuck in traffic and worried you'll miss the appointment. You can't take an alternate route, and time is ticking. If you could see your cells, you...

An individual stretching. Regular aerobic exercise can help reduce your cortisol and stress levels.

Red Clover Benefits for Menopause, Bone Health, & More

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Benefits & Uses Tea Recipe Precautions & Side Effects Finding a three-leaf clover may bring good luck, but taking red clover as a healing herb may bring even better fortune! People have appreciated the therapeutic qualities of the red clover's...

Several red clover flowers. The red clover benefits range from helping menopause to bone health.