Migraine Sufferers Look to Oxygen Therapy for Relief

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Sufferers of migraines headaches might see some relief in their future thanks to two types of oxygen therapy, according to a review of research from several separate studies [1]. Many people are affected by migraine headaches or know people who...

Migraine Sufferers Look to Oxygen Therapy for Relief

Effects of a Poor Appetite

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Poor appetite can be an indication of bowel disorders. Many people don't necessarily link the two in their minds, but it's true. Diarrhea from sensitivity to certain foods Nausea and vomiting make eating a repellant idea Constipation can make you...

A woman feeling lethargic after eating poor quality food.

What Is Avena Sativa?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Whether it be representative of fast Italian cars or Sylvester Stallone himself, the wild stallion has long been an icon for sexual stamina and energy. It’s possible that this trait may be due in part to a heavy diet of...

avena sativa wild oats

3 Signs Your Flatulence Is Not Serious

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Digestive complaints are a common concern among adults. Gas, bloating, and indigestion: we've all experienced all of them and most of the time their presence is temporary. Flatulence, which is perhaps the most popular of gastrointestinal struggles, may occasionally be...

flatulence is funny

Ways to Eliminate Body Odor

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Let's take a moment and discuss a concern that affects a lot of people, but is often stigmatized- body odor. Body odor stinks, literally and figuratively. Research has shown that some people with body odor have concerns in their personal...

A woman in a field of lavender.

Can Flatulence Be Related to Serious Health Concerns?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

People experience varying levels of flatulence for varying reasons. Although most flatulence is a normal part of digestion, sometimes flatulence can indicate the presence of health concerns. Everyone's body is unique and only a visit with your healthcare provider should...

An individual holding their abdominal area. flatulence is a normal part of digestion but it can be a serious health concern.