6 Foods That'll Bring You Heartburn Relief

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Humankind has a long history of eating foods that probably aren’t the best for us—and records back that up. Historians are able to diagnose symptoms of heartburn dating as far back as 3000 BC in Ancient Mesopotamia. The first recorded...

rows of lettuce

What’s the Difference Between Acid Reflux, Heartburn, & GERD?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Acid Reflux Heartburn GERD Natural Remedies Summary Do you remember those antacid commercials where someone is in a restaurant eating something decadent and suddenly clutches their chest and winces? It was a bit dramatic, but it stuck in my head....

someone waking up in pain

6 Home Remedies for Acid Reflux

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Acid reflux is painful. Food and acid splash into the esophagus and cause belching, heartburn and, in some severe cases, chest pains. Some individuals have experienced pain so intense they thought they had a heart attack. If a person experiences...

A spoon of aloe vera. Inner aloe vera leaf gel supports digestion and is another great alternative for soothing acid reflux.

3 Reasons Healthy Gut Flora Is Important

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Your gut is home to over 100 billion bacteria, but antibiotics, pesticides, stress, and genetically-modified foods are just a few of the things that can weaken that diversity.[1] Your gut’s bacteria needs to stay healthy or concerns like irritable bowel...

3 Reasons Healthy Gut Flora Is Important

The Detox Diet: 9 Simple Steps for Whole Body Cleansing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

We promote internal cleansing to help remove toxicants that accumulate in your body as a result of your diet and the environment around you. But if you want to take your efforts a step further, cutting back on the food-related...

Juicing is part of the detox diet.

3 Ways Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners Affect Gut Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Right now, your gut is swimming with bacteria — good and bad. Maintaining a good balance between the two is key to helping you stay healthy. One of the ways to support that is to give your gut flora supportive...

A jar full of sugar. Sugar and artificial sweeteners can affect your gut health in a negative way.

Bacteriophages: A Novel Concept in Probiotics!

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

By now, most people know that probiotic supplements give your gut a boost of good bacteria and provide many health benefits. But experts have identified an exciting new ingredient that can take gut health to the next level — bacteriophages....

A woman with her hands to her abdominal area in a blue background.

The Gut-Immune System Connection

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The digestive system doesn’t get enough credit. Not only does it break down the food you eat, but it also plays a major role in keeping you healthy. There’s a strong connection between your gut and your immune system. In...

A person handling lettuce with bowls of vegetables over a kitchen counter.

Birch Polypore: A Mushroom for Immunity, Gut Health & More

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

In 1991, scientists discovered a 5,300-year-old mummy named Ӧtzi the Iceman in the Italian Alps. Amazingly, some of Ӧtzi’s possessions were preserved along with him, including a leather pouch with supplies for his mountain journey. What was in the pouch?...

A mushroom growing from a natural vegetation.

Transient vs. Resident Probiotics: What’s the Difference?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The popularity of probiotics is soaring, and for good reason: the tiny microorganisms living in your gut have a huge impact on your health.[1] But did you know that there are two different kinds of probiotic supplements? They are called...

Woman's hands in shape of a heart over her belly.

My Remarkable Colon Cleanse Experience: a 7 Day Journal

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Wendee Nicole decided to do the Complete Body Cleanse Program™ — a comprehensive program to detoxify and improve health that will take three to four months to complete — and it starts with a 6-day Colon Cleanse. Not everything eaten...

A woman journaling.

Here Are 7 Reasons To Try a Cleanse

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Do you often get tired or feel like you have "brain fog"? Do you have skin blemishes you can’t seem to get rid of? Or maybe you just feel bloated or constipated now and then?When you eat sugar, gluten, meat,...

A woman looking at her skin.