How to Make a Castor Oil Pack for Lung Cleansing
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Castor Oil Packs have been used successfully over the years for lung cleansing. Castor oil has long been used as a folk remedy for a broad spectrum of ailments, including skin conditions, to liver and gallbladder cleansing. In addition to...

What Does Detox Tea Do? What to Use & Avoid — With Recipes!
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
It’s no secret that black and herbal teas offer many health benefits.[1] Some people consume teas to detox the body. However, many of these so-called detox teas, particularly those with Senna or Cascara, contain ingredients that act as harsh laxatives...

Neem Oil & Leaves: 7 Impressive Health Benefits & Uses
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits Forms Uses Side Effects In Indian mythology, neem has a divine origin. When the elixir of immortality was being carried to heaven by divine beings, drops fell on the neem tree, which led to its miraculous healing properties. Found...

How To Perform a Colon Cleanse: The Complete Guide
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits Types Safety Supplies Instructions Maintenance Every day, we're bombarded with toxins: additives in the food supply, pollution in the air and water, and chemicals in the products we put on our bodies. The overabundance of common impurities that we...

The 10 Best Herbs for Kidney Cleansing
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
If you’re looking for a powerful way to get your body in better health, consider cleansing your kidneys. Along with colon and liver cleansing, kidney cleansing is one of the most basic and necessary detoxes. Bean shaped organs located along...

15 Oregano Oil Uses & Benefits for Your Health
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Without a doubt, oregano oil is one of the best natural supplements you can get. It’s produced from the perennial herb oregano and loaded with free-radical-crushing antioxidants. A growing body of research has shown that oregano oil offers many positive...

Are Herbal Colon Cleansers Safe?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Herbal colon cleansers are increasingly popular and many people believe botanical herbs are both harmless and extremely beneficial to support colon health conditions. In some cases, this is absolutely correct. Many herbs are healthful to the body. Unfortunately, some herbs...

What Are the Benefits of Yellow Dock Root?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Traditionally, yellow dock root has been thought to be a blood purifier and general detoxifier, especially for the liver. The herb, properly known as Rumex crispus, supports detoxification from a few angles. First off, yellow dock root stimulates bile production,...

6 Tips for Keeping Your Lungs Clean
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Keeping your body clean on the inside is one of the best things you can do to stay healthy and, as such, many people regularly perform colon cleansing and liver cleansing routines. Harmful organism cleanses and toxic metal cleanses are...

5 Natural Ways to Boost Immunity NOW!
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
With everything going on around us, from the public health concerns around us to social distancing, immunity is top of mind for most people. What that means is how do you keep your immune system healthy so that your body...

How Licorice Root Benefits & Balances Candida Overgrowth
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Balance Fungus & Candida How to Use In ancient Egypt, if you wanted something sweet to quench your thirst, you couldn’t grab a sports drink at a local convenience store. Instead, Egyptians made a liquid drink from licorice root...

All You Should Know About Castor Oil: An Age-Old Home Remedy
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Overview Top Benefits Uses & DIY Recipes Not so long ago, moms everywhere used castor oil as a cure-all for many ailments, from stomach pain to fever to its most famous use — easing constipation. Take a teaspoon, and you...