Top 9 Foods That Calm Anxiety & Reduce Stress

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

They say you are what you eat, and when it comes to mental health, it’s truer than ever.[1, 2, 3] Eating well not only lifts your mood but also contributes to a happy, healthy brain. A plant-based diet full of...

A cup of tea.

Brain Exercises: 12 Simple Ways to Stimulate Your Mind & Memory

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Did you know your brain can atrophy or shrink if you don’t train it regularly? When the brain atrophies, your ability to remember, think clearly, and make decisions shrinks, as well. The good news? You can strengthen your mental acuity...

A couple dancing.

Brain Vitamins: The Top Vitamins & Minerals for Your Mind

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Vitamins Antioxidants Minerals Nutraceuticals You may have heard that taking extra vitamins can improve your memory, protect against Alzheimer's disease, or help you ace that test. Are “brain vitamins" really a thing? In reality, a debate exists over whether vitamins...

A bowl of oats. Oats are a brain boosting food.

How to Be Happy & Live a More Fulfilled Life

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

I ask people how much of your day are you working on you? And very few people spend time working on themselves. What is the secret to happiness? Oh, gosh. If there were a secret to happiness, I would hope...

How to Be Happy & Live a More Fulfilled Life

13 Ways to Improve Memory Naturally

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Why can’t I recall her name? Where is my cell phone? I just had it! What was I supposed to buy at the grocery store? When older adults notice their memory slipping, it’s natural to feel frustrated or nervous. You...

A bowl of blueberries — which are great for improving memory.

Importance of Self Care – Dr. Group, DC’s Holistic & Effective Method

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Becoming more mentally, physically, and spiritually strong is possible with the tools and the guidance that I'm going to give you today. Let's talk about why self-care is important — how can you achieve amazing mental and physical health without...

Importance of Self Care – Dr. Group, DC’s Holistic & Effective Method

Anti-Aging in 4 Steps: A Holistic and Natural Approach

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

As you get older, life should be like a stroll, not a series of constant challenges. Every year you should feel great and look good as you enjoy a high quality of life. Contrary to the myths that senility, sexual...

Table full of fruits. Antioxidants rich foods and herbs are shown anti-aging ability by slowing down the aging process.

Vegan Diet: Best Vegan-Friendly Foods & Diet Plan

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Foods to Eat Foods to Avoid Benefits Lifestyle Considerations Whether it's for health reasons or an ethical choice, the decision to shift to a vegan diet can feel empowering. For some of us, it is no easy feat to...

A woman shopping for organic vegetables.

Valerian Root for Sleep & Anxiety: 5 Calming Benefits Explained

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Sleep Benefits Anxiety Benefits Sources A great night’s rest does wonders for the soul. Every night, thousands of body processes get to work, restoring your body and mind to a more healthful state. But when you can’t sleep? There’s...

A woman waking up from a restful sleep.

5:2 Diet: Learn the Best Protocol Plus Tips for Success

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Overview Foods to Eat Fasting Types Benefits A popular form of fasting, the 5:2 diet involves eating five days per week — ideally, in a healthy manner, and fasting for two. Don't stress when you hear the word fast! You...

A woman cutting vegetables for a salad.

How to Naturally Increase Energy for a Happier, Healthier You

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Root Causes Natural Remedies Additional Tips How can I keep my energy levels high, especially in the afternoon? This is a question that comes up all the time because we are living in a toxic world right now. Fatigue is...

A woman in a field during sunrise.

Best Vitamins for Women to Support Any Age & Life Stage

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Stage: 20s – 40s Stage: 50s – Up Stage: Pregnant & Breastfeeding All Stages In an ideal world, you would get all the vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients from a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. If you're like many...

A mother and daughter laughing while on a walk together.