How To Get Rid Of Canker Sores Without Medicine
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Canker sores seem to come out of nowhere! But the truth is, there's often a culprit. They can come on due to stress, when you haven’t gotten enough sleep, or if you ate acidic food. The question becomes: what do...

Turmeric Teeth Whitening: Does This Really Work?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Teeth Whitening Recipe Other Uses Potential Side Effects Are there healthy ways to whiten your teeth? You bet there are! For a more natural alternative to over-the-counter or dental teeth whitening, consider using turmeric! The vibrant orange-yellow hue of the...

Get a Brighter Smile With DIY Natural Teeth Whitening
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Causes Remedies Prevention Side Effects Have you ever done the tissue test, where you hold up a piece of pristine white tissue paper next to your teeth to see the color difference? If you're like most people, the results are...

Tea Tree Oil: Benefits, Uses, & Side Effects
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
From antiseptic mouthwash to natural deodorant, tea tree oil is an essential oil with a multitude of uses and benefits. It tends to be pale yellow or colorless, with an aroma that is similar to eucalyptus or camphor and boasts...

The 7 Best Herbs for Bad Breath
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Whether caused by an easily controlled concern or the result of a more serious condition, you don’t want to live with bad breath. The good news is – you don’t have to. The following seven herbs have been proven to...

Biofilms in the Body
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Long before you became a part of your community and, hopefully, a contributing member of society, there were the original communities, which were made of networks of bacteria. The inhabitants of these worked together to ensure the survival of as...

The Benefits of Sage for Halitosis (Bad Breath)
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Halitosis, otherwise known as bad breath, is any offensive odor that comes out the mouth. Although certain conditions can cause bad breath to exist for reasons other than a failure to brush one's teeth, halitosis is usually caused by microbes...

The Surprising Link Between Vitamin B12 and Periodontitis
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Periodontitis is a serious gum infection marked by painful, irritating symptoms that make it challenging to eat, swallow, and speak. Although prevention is important, many people fall short because it typically involves cutting out sugar and spending more time brushing,...

The 5 Best Natural Alternatives to Fluoride
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Fluoride is a known endocrine disruptor and other evidence shows fluoride is even a neurotoxin. Unfortunately, it’s still used in many dental products to this day, and the potential health concerns are unavoidable. Fortunately, when it comes to oral health,...

4 Things That Cause Hair Loss
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Genetics is a major factor in hair loss, but it's not the only factor. [1] [2] Just what can you do to promote healthy hair? While there is no research to suggest that you can reverse hair loss, you may...

10 Health Conditions that Cause Bad Breath
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Many causes of bad breath can be easily addressed. Sometimes, however, bad breath reflects a more serious underlying condition. It could also be a side effect of certain medical treatments or therapies. Whatever the cause, chronic bad breath is not...

How to Get Rid of Gingivitis - Natural Remedies
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
According to the CDC Division of Oral Health, nearly 50% of American adults and more than 70% over the age of 65 suffer from gum disease, also known as periodontitis or periodontal disease. Gum pain and the effect it has...