Winter Wellness: How to Stay Healthy During Winter

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Winter is a busy, festive time of year. It’s also a time when more people tend to get sick. What exactly is it about this time of year that encourages aches and sniffles? “Catching a chill” has long been suspected...

A tree covered with snow. There are several ways to stay healthy during winter like exercising and eating right.

5 Simple Tips for Going 'Green' Inside Your Home

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

As much as we look after our insides, we also should take care of our homes' insides. If nothing else, that's where we live, and if we're to stay healthy, we should live in a clean and healthy environment. When...

A room full of plants. Using energy efficient lighting is great for going green.

How to Reduce Plastic Use: 9 Easy Ideas

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Did you know that every year, in 2018 alone, volunteers collected more than 23 million pounds of trash during the International Coastal Cleanup on beaches around the word?[1] More and more people are figuring out creative ways to reduce plastic...

A reusable bag with produce.

Global Healing in 2016: A Message from Dr. Group, DC

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

2016 was an incredible year for us at Global Healing and it’s all because of you! I want to take a moment and tell you about some of the successes you helped us achieve and the steps we’ve taken to...

A gorgeous sunset. 2016 was an incredible year for Global Healing.

Dr. Group, DC at The Truth About Cancer Symposium

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The Truth About Cancer is Ty Bollinger’s personal mission to reveal the truth about cancer and replace fear with hope. A movement founded on passion, it’s grown into a community of over two million people. Last week, Ty orchestrated The...

Dr. Edward Group received a Distinguished Presenter award at the Truth About Cancer Symposium.

GMO Foods and The Dark Act are Unacceptable! Act Now!

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The day will come, when all of God's creatures, have clean and natural food to eat and WE are making that day a REALITY. We WILL get GMO labeling, we WILL repeal the Monsanto Protection Act, we WILL hold Monsanto,...

GMO Foods and The Dark Act are Unacceptable! Act Now!

An Open Letter to Secretary Tom Price

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dear Secretary Price, My name is Dr. Group, DC, I am the founder and CEO of Global Healing. I would like to congratulate you on your new appointment. As our new Secretary of Health and Human Services, you have the...

Doctors call on Secretary Tom Price to establish a natural health advisory committee.

Transcript of Dr. Group, DC's Interview with Nellie Gonzalez

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dr. Group, DC recently sat down with Nellie Gonzalez to discuss the benefits of cleansing. Here is a transcript of the interview! Nellie Gonzalez: Hello and thank you for joining us. We're here today with Dr. Group, DC, founder of...

Dr. Group

To Make America Great Again, We Need To Make America Healthy Again

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

President Trump Needs Independent Advisory Board To Reform Health Care HOUSTON, Texas (Dec. 15, 2016) – Americans spend over $1.5 trillion every year on health care. With insurance premiums and deductibles skyrocketing, the U.S. health care system remains among the...

Dr. Group make America healthy again.

13 Natural Remedies for Radiation Exposure

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear power plant meltdown at the Fukushima Daichi reactor in 2011 brought up many concerns involving radiation levels in Japan and the entire globe. Here at Global Healing, we are committed to educating and helping...

Activated charcoal is one of many natural remedies for radiation exposure.

Dear President Trump: Make America Healthy Again

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Dear President Trump: Despite the fact that America spends trillions of dollars every year on health care, our system is ranked among the worst in the world. Waste is rampant, care is impersonal, premiums have skyrocketed, and deductibles are through...

Dr. Group make America healthy again.

9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Exposure to fluoride is a contentious topic, mostly because exposure is everywhere. Not only is fluoride a common ingredient in toothpaste, many municipalities have a fluoridated water supply. Why? Well, the reason we're given is that it encourages oral health......

Fluoride can be found in toothpaste and can cause a lot of health issues.