5 Simple Tips for Going 'Green' Inside Your Home

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

As much as we look after our insides, we also should take care of our homes' insides. If nothing else, that's where we live, and if we're to stay healthy, we should live in a clean and healthy environment. When...

A room full of plants. Using energy efficient lighting is great for going green.

Are Microwaves Dangerous to Your Health?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Microwave ovens have been the norm in US households for almost 50 years. If you’re under 40, you’re more likely to have grown up with a microwave than without a microwave. Ever since they were first introduced, microwaves have been...

Explore the possible dangers of microwaves, like radiation exposure, effects on food quality, and chemical leakage.

Don't Use a Microwave Oven

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Most homes in the United States have a microwave oven, the last couple of generations are more likely to have grown up with one than not. The popularity of microwaves makes sense, they offer a fast way to prepare and...


The Benefits of Organic Dishwashing Liquid

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

When detoxing your home and life, the first thing many people think about adjusting is the food they eat. That's an excellent start but it's only part of the equation. It's also necessary to re-evaluate everyday, household items such as...

A person washing dishes with organic dishwashing soap.

Take Back Your Power -- A Must See Documentary

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

The utility companies are in cahoots with the government to reach into your home via "smart" meters. “Smart” meters are digital utility meters that collect [personal] information and send it out through wireless radiation. The negative effects of the smart...

Awesome Documentary: Take Back Your Power

10 Shocking Facts about the Health Dangers of Wi-Fi

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Wi-Fi is convenient but many have raised doubts concerning the safety of unseen forces that permeate everything around us. Since the introduction of Wi-Fi in 1997, researchers have performed dozens of studies to explore the subject. The results are clear...

A woman holding her Smartphone. In 2008, the Scientific American publication explained the danger of Wi-FI on the human brain.

Using a Non-Stick Pan? You May Want to Read This

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Pans with a non-stick coating are convenient but new research suggests that the chemical used for the coating is extremely toxic and exposure on any level could prove dangerous to brain health, the reproductive system, and immune system. The Dangers...


Report: Electromagnetic Pollution is Harmful to Mental Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There are 190,000 cell phone towers in the US, and new evidence suggests that exposure to these towers may alter brain function. The study, recently published in the British Medical Journal, found that EMF pollution can cause irritability, insomnia, difficulty...

A person researching about electromagnetic pollution.

Facts You Need to Know about Home Radiation

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

There is no doubt that home electronics have made our lives more convenient, more entertaining, and have helped us to stay better connected with those we love. Devices like microwaves and blenders have made food preparation quick and simple. Other...


The Importance of Organic Carpet Cleaners

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Every time toxic cleaners are used, there's a heavy impact on our environment. It does not matter whether the cleaners are poured, sprayed, washed, rinsed, or dumped; the harmful effects are the same. When we use these things we risk...

Organic carpet cleaners are safer on the carpet and for the environment.

Why You Should Never Microwave Your Food

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Microwaving is a simple, convenient cooking option for people on the go. The microwave oven has been a mainstay in the US for 30+ years, virtually transforming society and how we view food. But despite its wonders, the question that’s...

A person using a microwave for their food. Microwaves affect proteins, antioxidants, and the overall nutrient content of food.

Neuroscientist Confirms the Danger of Electromagnetic Radiation

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

With the proliferation of cell phones, wireless Internet, and personal electronic devices, the ill effects of electromagnetic radiation are a huge concern. As the discussion surrounding the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) has become heated, neuroscientist Dr. Olle Johansson has...
