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Earth Day

Harmful Organism Cleanse

Bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites — there are many types of harmful organisms and nearly everyone is affected at some point in their life.[1] Different types of harmful organisms target the body differently. Here, we’ll look at harmful organisms that disrupt gut health. (more…)

Goldthread, also known as coptis or canker root, is a genus of perennial herbs that have been part of Asian and North American traditional medicine for hundreds of years. The roots of the plant look like a tangled mass of gold thread, hence its name. Herbal goldthread is actually the powdered rhizome, or underground stem, of the goldthread plant. (more…)

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Himalayan salt has many great health benefits, especially when used with food. Using a Himalayan Salt Inhaler offers an easy, drug-free way to conveniently get many of the multiple benefits of salt-air therapy. This article will discuss Himalayan salt inhaler therapy and the health benefits associated with its use. What is Salt Therapy? Humans have been using salt for therapeutic uses for thousands of years. Anyone who has spent a day at the ocean knows that salt-filled air has something special about it. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, used […]

Brazilian pepper tree is a shrubby tree that’s found on several continents, but native to Central and South America. The leaves and bark contain many active compounds including alkaloids and essential oil. The plant has a long history of use by peoples throughout its native area. Peruvians use the sap as a topical cleanser against germs, Argentinians use it for respiratory ailments and urinary tract irritations. In Brazil, extracts from the bark are used in herbal medicine to address cardiovascular concerns, harmful organisms, and fungus. (more…)

Many people know "Stinging Nettle" as an annoying garden weed that delivers a painful bite. However, nettle is far, far more than a nuisance! The nettle plant as a whole- roots, stem, and leaves, has been examined by some of the world’s leading research institutions and found to have many powerful, positive benefits to offer the human body. (more…)