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Earth Day

Cleansing Herbs

It’s no secret that black and herbal teas offer many health benefits.[1] Some people consume teas to detox the body. However, many of these so-called detox teas, particularly those with Senna or Cascara, contain ingredients that act as harsh laxatives and cause more harm than good. On the other hand, certain herbal detox teas contain helpful, body-detoxifying ingredients. How do you know the difference? And what does detox tea do? Read on to find out more about the two different types of detox teas available and their effects on your […]

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If you’re looking for a powerful way to get your body in better health, consider cleansing your kidneys. Along with colon and liver cleansing, kidney cleansing is one of the most basic and necessary detoxes. Bean shaped organs located along the posterior side of the abdomen, the kidneys work with other organs to regulate blood pressure, increase red blood cell production, and synthesize vitamin D. If your kidneys don’t function well, they can’t properly filter waste material from your blood. When that happens, toxins that the kidneys should expel in […]

In ancient Egypt, if you wanted something sweet to quench your thirst, you couldn’t grab a sports drink at a local convenience store. Instead, Egyptians made a liquid drink from licorice root that looked like tea. Pharaohs and prophets alike drank the tea not only as a thirst quencher but also as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers and canker sores. Today, you’re more likely to think of licorice as candy, but it does more than soothe your sweet tooth. There are many licorice root benefits, and we’re going to […]

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Not so long ago, moms everywhere used castor oil as a cure-all for many ailments, from stomach pain to fever to its most famous use — easing constipation. Take a teaspoon, and you are good! Some parents threatened a spoonful as “punishment.” Ah, the dreaded castor oil! This was so popular and common that it made its way into TV shows — from "Tom and Jerry" to "The Little Rascals." Even before the modern era, people loved castor oil. Its earliest mention was in the 6,000-year-old Papyrus Ebers, an ancient […]

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Today, more and more people are discovering the health benefits of burdock root, particularly for skin, digestion, and detoxification. What's more, you can enjoy this little-known gem as a tasty root vegetable! Burdock has some interesting Trivial Pursuit or Jeopardy facts surrounding it. If you've ever removed a sticky round burr from your clothing after hiking through the forest, there's a good chance you've encountered seeds of the burdock plant. Burdock's ingenious mechanism for seed dispersal was the inspiration for Velcro.[1] However, the plant's roots, not the seeds, pack the […]

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