
What Is In the Air You Breathe? Understanding Toxins & Respiratory Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

For most of us, air quality isn't something we worry about when we're indoors. When you think of "air pollution," you probably visualize thick, black smoke rising out of industrial towers or imagine the smell of car exhaust. Outdoor air...

What Is In the Air You Breathe? Understanding Toxins & Respiratory Health

Neuroplasticity: Wire Your Mind for Healing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Every second, billions of neurons, or nerve cells, communicate so you can think, breathe, move, see, smell, taste, feel... Your nervous system essentially shapes your existence – the way you perceive and interact with the world around you. What makes...

Neuroplasticity: Wire Your Mind for Healing

Your Body Is the Medicine: An Overview of Self-Healing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

This post is an introduction to Your Body Is the Medicine – a Global Healing series that dives into eight self-healing systems, how they work, and what you can do to reignite your innate healing abilities. In an ideal world,...

Your Body Is the Medicine: An Overview of Self-Healing

The Overactive Immune System: Strategies for Restoring Natural Function

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Have you ever felt like your body is working against you? Maybe it's recurring colds, lingering fatigue, or persistent signs of inflammation. These frustrating symptoms aren't random – they're your body's way of communicating that it's overwhelmed and needs your...

The Overactive Immune System: Strategies for Restoring Natural Function

How Your Digestive System Affects Whole-Body Health

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Every day, your digestive system works tirelessly to break down your food, absorb essential nutrients, and eliminate waste. But its role goes far beyond that – it's intricately connected to nearly every aspect of your health. A compromised digestive system...

How Your Digestive System Affects Whole-Body Health

Inflammation: Why It Happens and How to Turn It Into Healing Power

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Inflammation is your body's natural way of defending and healing itself. When you get a cut, twist an ankle, or fight off an infection, your immune system responds with inflammation to protect the affected area and initiate repair – this...

Inflammation: Why It Happens and How to Turn It Into Healing Power

The Ultimate Candida Diet Program

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Candida Defined Causes Symptoms Diet Plan Supplementation Maintenance Ten years ago, few people knew about the significance of Candida overgrowth, let alone the health benefits of embarking on a Candida diet program. But today, thanks to new attitudes on the...

The Ultimate Candida Diet Program

Your Guide to Insulin Resistance and Why it's Important to Manage

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Insulin resistance is a growing health concern that affects millions of people worldwide. The condition occurs when the body's cells become less responsive to insulin. As a result, the pancreas produces more insulin to compensate, elevating blood sugar levels over...

Your Guide to Insulin Resistance and Why it's Important to Manage

Golden Maple Turmeric Tea: Recipe for a Healthy Inflammatory Response

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

As the days grow colder, we often find ourselves craving warmth and comfort inside and out. Lower temperatures and fewer hours of sunlight also mean your immune system could use an extra boost. What better way to nourish your body...

Golden Maple Turmeric Tea: Recipe for a Healthy Inflammatory Response

Heavy Metal and Chemical Cleanse: 30-Day Whole-Body Detox

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Exposure to toxins and heavy metals can take a real toll on your health. Toxin overload can inflame the body and cause a range of mild yet seemingly unexplained symptoms, like nausea, headaches, irritability, skin irritations, fatigue, or trouble sleeping...

Heavy Metal and Chemical Cleanse: 30-Day Whole-Body Detox

Elderberry & Ginger Lemon Tonic for Immune Support

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Trying a new natural immune-boosting recipe is a wonderful opportunity to slow down and intentionally prioritize your wellness while you fortify your body against seasonal challenges. This delicious Elderberry & Ginger Lemon Tonic combines the power of three potent ingredients...

Elderberry & Ginger Lemon Tonic for Immune Support

Boost Your Defense Against Radiation with Glutathione

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Here on Earth, we’re exposed to radiation all the time. The sun and stars give off electromagnetic energy, the soil contains naturally occurring radioactive materials, and there are traces of environmental radiation from made-made sources – medical devices, power plants,...

Boost Your Defense Against Radiation with Glutathione